Part 13

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Maya POV

Carina and I were just about to get up and head back to Elva's room when we heard some disturbance coming from the nurses station.

Jane, the social worker form the first time Elva, was here was stood confronting one of the nurses.

"What do you mean you don't know where she is?" She said loudly.

Both Carina and I looked at each other panicked. We rushed straight over.

"Can I help you?" Carina asked.

"I'm here again for Elva Jones, but this nurse is saying she's not where she should be," she replied.

"I went to check on her Dr DeLuca but she wasn't there," the nurse explained to Carina.

I left them all and ran to Elva's room to see for myself.

They were right. Her bed was empty.

That pain I felt the first time Elva was taken returned, only this time it was worse as I knew previously she'd been taken to a home. This time, I had no idea where she was.

"Elva!" I called out.  I had to be sure, I checked under the bed, in the bathroom.

I turned and Carina was now at the door.

"I've alerted security. They'll find her bambina," she said.

"What if she's not here at all? What if she's left the hospital?" I said.

"Maya, they'll check the cameras, we'll find her," she said calmly.

"I need to look for her, I need to feel like I'm doing something," I explained.

I put my fire fighter head on.

What would I do if I was on this call?

What would be my first step?

"I've asked all the other doctors to keep an eye out," Carina told me.

"What's the social worker doing ?" I asked.

"I don't know. She's just on the phone,"

"Okay, I'm going looking for Elva,"

I didn't think Elva would've stayed in this floor. If she was still in the hospital, then she'd have gone somewhere else. I raced off towards the stairs in search of her.

Carina's POV

I watched Maya run off towards the stairs. I wanted to do the same but was waiting for security to get back to me on the footage they had.

I was pacing around the nurses station.

I was also keeping an eye on the social worker. I knew we still had to make a good impression if we wanted to keep Elva with us.

I also had to remember that I was still on shift and had patients that might need me at any moment.

My phone buzzed.

Meredith had messaged me.

I had told them all to keep a look out incase they saw her.

*Found her- OR gallery room 4.*

I rushed towards the lift, pressing the button a million times as if that would make it come quicker.

After what felt like a lifetime, the lift arrived. I got in and stood restlessly as it carried me to the 6th floor of the hospital.

I headed down the corridor and into the OR gallery.

Straight away I saw Meredith on one side and Elva on the floor on the other.

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