Part 24

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Maya POV

Luckily, we didn't get called out again for the rest of the shift. The team got on with some chores and I stayed in my office with Elva while I got on with some paperwork. Elva was good as gold and happily played on my phone and sat in my lap.

B shift arrived to take over from us, I grabbed my backpack and held out my hand for Elva.

She was exhausted and needed to get home.

"Let's go bub," I smiled warmly.

She took my hand and we started the short walk home.

We were a few minutes away from the apartment when Elva stopped walking.

"You alright bubba?" I asked her.

"Carina home?" She asked me.

"I think she will be by now sweetheart yeah," I said.

"She mad?" Elva asked, her bottom lip starting to tremble.

"Come here," I said, bending down to pick her up.

I continued walking home with her on my hip.

"She won't shout at you bubba," I assured her.

"But she's angry?"

"I don't think so Elvie, she'll have just been worried like I was," I explained.

I'd already messaged Carina earlier on to let her know that I'd spoken to Elva about running away. And I told her she'd need to take a look at Elva's head. This is why Carina wouldn't be angry and was never going to shout at Elva anyway.

We shortly arrived outside the apartment. With Elva still in my arms and my backpack falling off my shoulder, I carefully tried to unlock the door.

I managed to get it open and walked in to see Carina on the sofa with a glass of wine. I could smell the delicious dinner she must have made and smiled.

"Hey babe," I said.

She turned around and jumped right up off the sofa to come greet us.

"Hi bambina," she said softly walking over to us and resting her hand on Elva's back.

Elva turned more  and hid in my neck, clearly still scared of Carina's reaction to her running away from school.

"Hey hey what's the matter? Come here bella," she said, lifting a struggling Elva out of my arms.

I was finally able to put my bag down.

I watched as Carina tried to calm a crying Elva.

"She's just tired babe," I said over the sound of Elva's sobs.

"Maya," she cried for me.

Carina managed to get her comfortably on her hip despite Elva's attempts to get to me.

"She thinks you're going to shout at her for skipping school," I told Carina.

"No bambina no, I'm not angry," Carina said quickly.

"Shhh bambina it's okay," she soothed, bouncing her a little like a baby.

"I'm sorry," Elva choked out.

"Bella I'm not angry," Carina told her again.

"Come on bub, let's calm down and get some dinner," I said from across the room.

Still holding Elva, Carina followed me into the dining room. Small sobs were still escaping from Elva.

"This smells amazing babe," I complemented.

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