Part 4

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Maya's POV

The aid car came to a stop outside the hospital. Elva's eyes shot to me in a state of panic.

"Sweetheart you're going to be fine. I'm here, and I promise you these are the best doctors out there." I said, trying to reassure her.

Warren opened the doors and we were instantly met with Dr Avery and Carina. Plus a couple of interns who I vaguely recognised.

Warren began giving them an overview as we entered the ER.

"Ok so we've got a 6 year old female, name is Elva. She was trapped in an attic during a house fire for approximately 35 minutes."

"Any burns?" Dr Avery asked.

"No, fire didn't touch her. Definite smoke inhalation though, she's been having some trouble breathing" I added.

"Ok bella, we're gonna take good care of you," Carina told Elva, giving her hand a squeeze.

They began to take Elva into a room when she turned to look at me.

"No!" She cried out.

Carina looked at me. Elva was starting to get worked up again, she was panicking. I glanced back at Carina and gave a shrug. I didn't know what to do. I felt the need to protect her, this isn't like me at all. I am normally very objective and detached from the civilians we rescue, even the children.
It can be traumatic and dangerous building an attachment but there was something about this girl.

"Are you going to stay?" Carina asked me.

"I can't I'm still on shift," I replied.

I looked back over at Elva who was getting more and more worked up.

"Stay Captain, I'll let the team know that lieutenant Herrera needs to cover," Warren spoke up.

I took a breath, contemplating the possibility of staying.

"Ok, thanks Warren."

I'd decided, I was staying. I made my way over to Elva.

"Sweetheart it's okay, calm down. I'm not going. I'm staying right here."

"Captain Bishop, you'll have to wait out here for bit," Dr Avery said.

"Elva, I'll be right out here and I'll come and see you as soon as I can." I said reassuringly.
"Dr DeLuca is gonna be with you, and I'll let you into a secret, she's amazing and kind and caring and she'll make sure you're okay. I promise," I smiled.

Avery took Elva away and my heart sank, this was such an unusual feeling for me. Before she followed them in, Carina pulled me to one side.

"Maya are you ok?"

"Yeah I think so," I replied, not really knowing what to tell her.

"Do you need checking over? What happened? How did you end up in the fire, I thought you would've been outside managing it?"

"No I'm good, I got the all clear at the scene. It all happened so quickly. It was a care home for children, we thought all of them were out. But a kid shouted up that the carers had locked her in the attic and Gibson heard a scream. They were denying it but I just had this feeling. I don't know what came over me, I wasn't thinking, I just ran in," I explained.

"Oh my god! That's terrible, what's gonna happen to those people?" She asked.

"I don't know, to be honest I'd not thought about it, I've been focused on keeping Elva calm. I think Herrera and Gibson are on to it. I'm sure they'll have informed the right authorities by now," I breathed out.

"Maya are you okay? You're not yourself," she said, pulling a piece of hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear.

I smiled up at her, I was glad she was here.

"Yeah, I think so. Just make sure she's okay yeah? She was very touchy about Montgomery and Warren going near her."

"I'll look after her Maya, I'll give you an update as soon as I can."
She kissed my on my forehead and turned to go work on Elva.

For a few moments, I didn't move. Just stood there feeling helpless. Then, somebody tapped me on my shoulder. I turned, seeing Meredith Grey stood in front of me.

"Hey Bishop what's going on?" She asked.

I quickly filled her in on the current situation.
She led me over to a chair in the waiting area.

"You know, I've had that feeling before," she said.

"What feeling?"

"That instant connection to a child feeling," she smiled.

"And what happened?" I asked

"You've met Zola right?" She smirked.

My jaw dropped in surprise.

"No, no it's not like that," I stuttered.

"I'm here if you need me Bishop," she winked before getting up and walking away. Leaving me to sit and think about what she'd said.

I looked down and for the first time realised I was clutching Elva's bear.

Elva's POV

"Okay Elva I'm gonna need you to keep that oxygen mask on for me," the Dr said.

I didn't want to be here.

Too many people.

I want to be in my corner in the attic with my book and my bear. Wait. Where's Bobby?

I tried to get up.

"No no, stay where you are!" He said.

"Bobby," I cried.

"Shhh Elva we need you to keep still." He said more forcefully, making me flinch back.

The door opened and in walked a lady doctor with long, wavy brown hair. She's the one Maya, the fire fighter, was talking about. I wish she could've stayed. She made me feel safe.

"Hi Elva, I'm Dr Carina DeLuca. Maya has told me how brave you've been and I know this is really scary but I need you to be brave for a little bit longer okay," she smiled.

She seems nice, like Maya.

"She won't let me near her," the male Dr said.

"Let me check her vitals," Carina said to him. I didn't know what vitals meant, but if anyone was going to come near me I'd rather it be her.

"Bella, I just need to do some little checks. It's okay, you're safe and I'm not going to hurt you. Can I move your shirt out of the way so I can listen to your heart?" She asked kindly.

Slowly, I nodded my head. She wiped away a tear that had escaped. She was going to see. She was going to see what they'd done to me.

All of a sudden the door opened and in burst Marie with Maya behind her, shouting for her to get out and shouting for security.

I squeezed my eyes tight, trying to disappear, trying to be anywhere else other than here.

Authors note.

Let me know what you think :)
Let me knew what you want to happen in the next chapter....

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