Part 32

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Maya POV

I opened my eyes and squinted at the light coming in through the window.

I turned my head and saw that Carina was still fast asleep as was the little girl on my chest. I don't think she's moved an inch since she fell asleep. Poor bubba will be so tired today.

I stroked her hair as she slept and checked the time.

It was 10:30, we'd had a good few hours but after the night I'd had, I still felt exhausted and could already tell that I ached all over.

I felt a little wriggle on my chest and looked down to see Elva waking up a little.

She made a fist and rubbed her eyes before letting out a big yawn.

"Tired bubba?" I joked quietly, trying not to wake Carina.

She nodded and put her head back down on me.

"Milk?" I asked her.

I felt her nod.

"Come on then sweetheart," I whispered, lifting her off me and climbing out of bed.

She followed me through to the kitchen and we left Carina sleeping.

I started making coffee and got Elva some almond milk from the fridge.

"Warm or cold Elvie?"

"Warm please," she smiled.

I got our drinks ready and headed through to the lounge. Carefully sitting down with both drinks, I let Elva curl up next to me before handing her the milk.

The coffee was definitely needed.

I checked my phone and saw that Andy had messaged to see if we were all okay. I replied quickly and put my phone back down so I could put my arm around Elva.

"Mommy?" She asked.

"Yeah bubba?"

"I not in school," she said innocently.

"Ooooo shhii,sugar," I said, just about stopping myself from swearing.

"I need to ring your school," I added.

I grabbed my phone again and quickly rang to tell them Elva wouldn't be in and briefly explained why.

"Mommy you working?" She said.

I giggled and wiped the milk off her lips with my thumb.

"No bubs, not today. Your mama is off too," I explained.

She was happy with my answer and I took the empty cup off her.

"Your mama also needs coffee,"

We both turned and saw Carina walking in. Even with tired eyes and crazy bed hair, she looked amazing.

"There's a pot in the kitchen," I smiled.

She left and came back a couple of minutes later with a mug of hot coffee. She joined us on the sofa and Elva moved to crawl onto her lap. I chuckled watching her try and snuggle under her robe.

"You only want your mama because I'm warm," Carina laughed.

"And comfy," Elva said sweetly.

We remained like that for at least another twenty minutes.

"I might pop into work for a bit to get ahead of the incident report," I said to Carina.

Carina nodded but Elva had other ideas.

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