Part 14

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Maya POV

We were still sat in the conference room.

Jane was taking forever on the phone.

Carina and I weren't even making conversation, I think we were too nervous.

I still had Elva on my knee, she wasn't talking either. I turned her around a little so she was facing the side and could lean down to rest her head on my chest. I began playing with her hair and smiled as her hand came up to grip onto me. Within five minutes she was asleep.

Once asleep, Carina broke the silence.

"You can go put her on the bed in her room if you want?" She suggested.

"She's okay here," I smiled.

"I don't want to put her down either," I admitted.

Carina smiled knowingly.

"Don't worry bambina, we'll get her," she assured me.

"What if they say no?"

"Then we'll keep trying," she said.

"Are we even ready if they do say yet?" I asked panicked.

"We don't know anything about being parents. I certainly don't, you've met my father, look at that example. We don't have anything at home, we don't know anything about schools,,"


Carina interrupted me.

I looked up at her.

"Breathe. We will figure it all out. The most important thing that Elva needs is love, and we've got plenty of that to give her." She smiled.

I was about to speak when Jane walked through the door. She took her seat again around the table.

Subconsciously I wrapped my arms a little tighter around Elva, irrationally afraid that she was just going to snatch her out my arms and run.

"So I've spoken to my supervisor," she began.

I looked anxiously at Carina.

"It's unusual. You're not registered foster carers. But, providing you can both submit character references, we do a home visit and you agree to both attend a foster parent training course we are willing to give this a trial. You've both got respected jobs with a high income and Elva is the most settled with you than I've seen her in the last 3 years," she explained.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

We were getting her.

I was going to be a foster parent.

3 weeks ago I couldn't have imagined myself even having a conversation with a child, never mind having one asleep in my arms right now. AND never mind having one come to live with me.

As scary as this was, it felt so right.

Carina was smiling widely.

I looked down at the little girl asleep on my chest, I couldn't wait to tell her but I wanted her to make up for as much lost sleep as possible. Whilst Elva was still asleep, I took this as an opportunity to quiz Jane.

"Can I ask you some questions?" I asked Jane.

She nodded.

"What can you tell us about Elva's past?" I wondered.

I was nervous to find out but I knew Carina and I would need to know if we were going to be looking after her.

Jane sighed before handing Elva's file over to us both. Carina shuffled closer to me so we could both read.

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