Part 83

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Carina POV

"Elva baby, mommy is trying to get ready for work," I heard Maya say firmly.

I could hear an undertone of stress in her voice. Scared she was about to snap, I popped my head around our bedroom door to see Maya attempting to get herself dressed.

Elva had attached herself to Maya's legs, wrapping her arms around her making it impossible for her to pull on trousers.

Maya looked up at me, telling me with her eyes to do something.

"Elva come help mama make breakfast," I said positively, trying to distract her.

"Mommy no work," she wined, keeping her grip on Maya.

"Mommy stay," she begged.

"Elvie mommy needs to go to work," Maya explained for what I'm assuming was the tenth time that morning.

"Come here bambina, let mommy get ready," I said, walking towards them both.

I bent down to try and unwrap Elva's arms so Maya could get dressed.

"Mommy," she began to cry. Maya looked at me helplessly.

"Alright bambina that's enough," I said, fully taking hold of her and pulling her away from Maya.

"Thank you," Maya mouthed as I walked out of the room with a wriggling little girl in my arms.

"Mama no," she wined, kicking her legs in full tantrum mode.

"Bella that's enough," I repeated calmly, continuing into the kitchen.

"Want mommy to stay," she cried.

"I know, I know bambina," I said softly.

I managed to pull out a chair and sit down around the table with Elva across my lap.

"Shhh bambina calm down," I whispered.

"Mommy stay," she cried again.

"We have to go to work Elva. You'll have a really good time at the hospital daycare," I assured her.

"No mama," she wined, rolling onto her side into my chest.

"Shhh no more tears Elva," I soothed, rubbing her back gently.

She continued to sob into my shirt. Maya walked into the kitchen now fully dressed and ready for work.

"Your smoothie is over there," I pointed.

"You're amazing thank you," she sighed gratefully.

I heard Elva hiccup and choke on a sob.

"Where's all this coming from bambina?" I asked rhetorically, bouncing my legs up and down a little.

"I was up in the night with her at around 3am," Maya said, opening the refrigerator to grab her lunch.

"She was really unsettled," she added, glancing over at Elva worriedly.

I used the back of my hand to feel her forehead.

"She's warm but that could just be from all the crying," I told her.

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