Part 138

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Maya POV

"What's she said?" I asked immediately.

"Here bellina," she said calmly, handing me my phone.

I took it from her with my free hand, the other wrapped around holding Elva while she slept.

Hi Maya.
I'm sorry I didn't make a good first impression earlier but I wanna try again. If that's okay with you. From Winter

"She wants to try meeting us again," I said, summarising her message.

"Si my love I know. I told you it wasn't as bad as you thought bella," Carina smiled warmly.

"Let me read it again," she added excitedly.

I handed her my phone and watched as her face lit up as she read the short message.

"What should we reply?" I asked knowing we'd have to try and find childcare for Elva again.

"Well we still have two more days of the Christmas break before Elva's back in school. We could maybe arrange to meet her after she finishes school one day next week? Then Elva can be picked up by Andy or Victoria? Or I could ask Teddy?" Carina suggested.

"Sounds good," I agreed, taking back my phone and adding her number to my contacts before beginning to type out a message.

"I'll make a start on dinner bellina," she smiled, kissing me gently before heading into the kitchen.

I typed out a message to Winter, hoping we'd get a quick response. While waiting, I couldn't help but stare at Elva. I suddenly felt a little guilty, like we were hiding a big secret from her. Which was kinda true but it was for her own good.

We knew we couldn't tell her before anything was official.

My phone vibrated with a reply from Winter, I smiled at how sweet and young she came across, even over the phone.

We continued our conversation, going back and forth to organise a plan.

I sat and cuddled with Elva, waiting for her to wake up

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I sat and cuddled with Elva, waiting for her to wake up. She must have been able to smell Carina's incredible cooking in her sleep as just as Carina called out that dinner would be ready in 10 minutes, she began to stir.

"Hi there," I smiled, watching her wake up to realise she was in my arms the whole time.

"M-mommy," she yawned, rolling over into my chest.

"Time to wake up bub," I said gently, rubbing my hand up and down her back.

"Sleep on mommy," she said, patting my boob as though she were in charge.

"I don't think so little lady. It's almost time for dinner," I laughed lightly, trying to lift her head off me.

"No mommy," she whined, still half asleep.

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