Part 7

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Maya POV

I arrived at work and went straight to the captains office.
I threw myself down in the chair and rested my head in my hands.

Just seconds after closing the door, Andy walked in.

"Maya, are you okay?" She asked.

I looked up at her, tears falling, not knowing what to say or do.

"Hey hey, what's happened?" She said, moving across the room towards me.

"Is it Carina? Have you had a fight?"

"No it's not that, Carina's fine," I breathed out.

"Then what is it? You're scaring me, you don't get like this,"

She was right. This wasn't me. I don't cry. I don't let out emotion. I don't get attached to the people we save. I don't even connect with children very well in general.

"She's gone," I said, looking up to meet the concern and confusion on Andy's face.

"Evla," I added. "She's been moved."

"Moved where?"

"I don't know, Carina and I arrived at the hospital this morning. I was gonna pop in and see her before coming to work. When we got there, Carina went to check her notes and it said she'd been discharged. There's no further contact information to tell us where," I explained.

"Okay, but if she's been discharged then she's okay right?"

"Medically yes but what about everything else she's got to deal with?" I shouted, slamming my hands down on my desk.

"Maya, what's with you and this girl. You're never like this," Andy said in shock.

"I don't know. I can't explain it. There's just something about her," I said, struggling to get my words out.

"Okay, then here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna shake this off for now and put on your captains face because we've still got a job to do. I'm gonna make a call to the people I dealt with yesterday after the fire and see if they can give us any information," she told me.

"It's almost time for line up, grab a glass of water  and follow your rule. Embrace the pain. We'll find her," she smiled.

"Thank you Andy," I smiled back.

"I got you girl,"

She turned and left my office. I still felt awful but Andy had helped me rationalise. There were things we could do to find her.

I quickly messaged Carina to let her know I was alright. I knew she'd be worrying, she'd already left me four messages.

I straightened my uniform and left my office to see the rest of the team.

Eyes forward.

The shift passed uneventfully. We had a few minor calls. Nothing major. Part of me was disappointed, I could've done with a big call to take my mind off Elva.


I looked up from my desk, Andy had popped her head around the door.

"Come in," I smiled.

She came and sat down. She looked at me nervously.

"What is it?" I asked.

"So I rang social services."


"They can't tell me anything because we're not family, foster carers or have anything to do with her," she sighed.

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