Chapter 50: SOS.

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The following day

Your day started normally taking Binna and dropping her on school before going back to work. Once you entered the office Sana was already waiting for you there with some paperwork.

"Firstly I need you to fill out this paperwork. It's just some formal things for new cases so no stress about it." She said as she handed over the paperwork. You took it from her and got to work on filling out the paperwork but she kept talking.

"I also have another case for you to work on. The details are right here." She said as she handed over yet another file filled with papers. It looked like you had a lot of stuff to prepare for today, it was going to be a busy day at work.

"Good morning to you too." you said jokingly before taking a seat on your chair. You flipped through the files to take a look at the cases. Gladly there weren't many murder cases to work on and most of them were for robberies and divorces.

"Good morning, sorry. I have been feeling nervous about this one case, but I'm sure we can solve it." Sana said as she watched you skim through the paperwork. She had a lot of cases for you to work on today but it looked like none of them were murders, which was nice to see.

Sana sat down at her desk and started to work on her own files as you started to work on yours. It was going to be a busy day and you both had a lot to do before lunch.

"Did you eat anything?" you asked. You kept your eyes on the paperwork as you talked to her, wanting to know she wanted to eat or drink something.

"Oh, no not yet. I've just been working on these files since I got here." Sana said as she looked up from her computer for a second to respond to you. She was in the middle of working on the case files she had, she hadn't taken a break yet and she was already feeling hungry and thirsty.

She wanted to get some breakfast soon but she thought it would be ok to finish this part of the paperwork file first since she was already halfway through it.

"I'll order coffee. What do you want to eat? I'll order a coffee for you too." you said taking your phone out of your pocket to send the order.

"Just a simple breakfast sandwich is fine for me." Sana said as she looked at the paperwork again. She was happy to know that you were about to order some coffee for both of you.

Sana was used to having coffee on these long workdays so she liked ordering it every morning to get her focused and energetic for the whole day. It was still early in the morning so she wanted to get an early start on the case that she had to deal with today.

"Thank you!" she said as she looked up from the paperwork again to smile at you.

In the other side Chaeyoung was in the practice room with Momo. Momo helped her with the choreography and how to improve her dancing skills. "You need a lot of work Chaeyoung.." Momo said taking a break while doing some stretching to keep her body warm.

Chaeyoung was trying to do her best but it seemed like Momo's comments were a little bit too much for her.

She tried to hide her insecurities but Momo saw that she was still feeling nervous.

"I know I need to improve, Momo... Can you please be a bit more gentle with your criticism?" she asked her while looking down at the floor. Chaeyoung's face was full of sadness but she still tried to smile.

"I don't want to feel bad just because I want to become a better idol..." she said as she looked at Momo.

"Yeah okay, I just wanted to be honest with you anyway.." Momo said and stood up to grab her bottle of water to keep herself hydrated.

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