Chapter 17: Closer.

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(smut warning!! you can skip the
part of it)

30 minutes had passed and you get an unexpected phone call from Chaeyoung, well not so unexpected but still. "Hello?" you mouthed the moment you picked it up.

It was difficult to hear her well. "Don't tell me you're drunk with the girls.." you sighed in disbelief, you could understand her voice every time she was drunk and now it was one of those times even if you couldn't hear her clearly.

"I am drunk, very drunk.." she said to you as she laughed at something before laughing a lot more and talking to you in a slur, it was difficult for her to maintain her words while her voice was all messed up.

This had her feeling way too hot and she wanted you here right now, she needed your touch and your body close to hers.

"Hey.. come pick me up.." she said softly as her words went more and more unclear and incomprehensible.

"Where are you? Send me your location." you said sounding calm yet you were concerned about her well-being. Your thoughts going back and forth.

"I'm on da streetssss.. near the bar where we drank.. please come get me before I do something I will regret tonight.." she flirted while sending you her location on your phone, she needed you with her.

She couldn't let herself do something weird today, having you here with her would make everything better and safe, she was scared of how out of control she was right now.

You ended the call dressing up to go find Chaeyoung. You followed where the maps were leading you as you tried to be calm with this whole situation. It was your decision for her to go with your friends and have fun after all.

As soon as you saw Chaeyoung outside of the bar, you ran faster than ever. "Chaeyoung!" you shouted to get her attention.

She was sitting on the floor with her eyes half closed. She had lost all control of herself and that felt very scary to be honest.

She heard you running and you yelling at me, your voice was the only voice she wanted to hear right now, that beautiful voice of yours was all that she needed to feel better.

When you came in front of her, she started smiling and she was trying to move so she could hug you. You were her hope right now.

"Oh Lord.." you sighed once again shaking your head in disapproval but you weren't mad at her, you couldn't be. You opened your arms and picked her up to hold her.

She felt your hand touch her hair, while the other arm was around her body. She didn't want to let you go, all she wanted was to be in your arms.

She knew she was so lucky to have you and she wanted you close to her right now.

"Don't give me the 'I told you so' look.." she said while touching your chest. She was being honest your chest, mostly your heartbeat, was making her feel better right now.

"I love you.." she whispered, it was all that she wanted to say.

You laughed quietly as you walked back to hotel. You held her firmly so she couldn't fall. "Jeongyeon and Nayeon are still in the bar?" you asked brushing her hair off her face behind her ear.

"I think so, I don't remember exactly, I'm too drunk right now." she said softly while her face was all red from everything, she couldn't believe what she was feeling and what she had done.

Your gentle touch was making her want you so bad and she knew she was going to kiss you soon. This moment was important to her.

"Can you kiss me?" she asked you and you were near the hotel, she was already impatient for this moment.

Voices of delight (Son Chaeyoung x f reader)Where stories live. Discover now