Chapter 23: Better.

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"Sadly I can't get it.." you teased trying to stand up but she pushed you back on the couch pinning you there. You knew what you were doing and she was falling for it.

Your attempt at stopping her failed, she got closer to you and her lips were only a few centimetres away from yours. She smiled at you and she held your face, your nose were touching and she didn't want to lose this moment.

Your eyes met as you were so close to each and she knew you both felt the same way. "I think I have the last kiss right here.. just waiting for you.." she said seductively.

You closed your eyes, your lips met and both of your hearts started beating fast, she was so close to you that she wanted to let her entire body melt into yours.

Her tongue explored your lips and she felt yours doing the same and that only made the kiss more passionate and deeper.

She felt like all the love she had for you was pouring out her mouth, she wanted to give you everything she could before your kiss ends.

Your hands going on her back slowly moving down touching her butt and gently squeezing it. You could feel a lot right now but you decided not to show more and calm down.

She couldn't stop moaning as your hand was touching her, she was feeling the tingles everywhere. She placed her hands on your cheek and she was making soft noises as she enjoyed your kiss.

Her heart was beating so fast and her whole body felt like it had its own energy. She was making loud noises as your lips were still connected, the sensations were enough to almost make her lose herself.

After some time you pulled away to catch your breath. "Woah.." you mouthed breathless, your chest pounding faster than ever. You didn't even dare to move away from her.

She was breathless and her cheeks were red like a strawberry, she finally took a breath and looked at you.

"I told you that I would give you the last kiss." she replied breathing hard and she felt so many emotions at the same time.

She was still sitting on your lap and she didn't want to move away from you.

Your lips, they were so soft and they felt so good on hers, she felt like her soul was going to leave right now.

The next morning

You both had woken up to go for groceries since you didn't have a lot of food or other stuff that you needed after the trip. Before leaving the apartment you heard Chaeyoung's phone ringing and looked down at her before looking away.

"Hello? What's up mom?" she answered her phone still in next to you and she turned her head to look at you.

She was listening to her mom speaking and she was holding her phone close to her ear.

"Hello honey, I'm sorry to bother you but I have something to tell you.. wanna come over my place tonight if you haven't planned anything." her mom spoke on the phone and Chaeyoung just listened to her, she wasn't expecting for a call like this.

"Oh that's cool, why are you telling me this now though?" Chaeyoung asked curiously.

"Oh just curious about you and your girlfriend I wanna meet her.." her mother replied not knowing that Chaeyoung and you were together again since Chaeyoung never told her that.

"Oh.." she let out a big sigh as she felt like she had an entire mountain on her back right now.

Chaeyoung didn't want to tell her mom right now that you were back together and she wanted to meet you.

Chaeyoung's pov

"That's going to be embarrassing" I thought as a feeling of embarrassment and nervousness swept through my body.

Voices of delight (Son Chaeyoung x f reader)Where stories live. Discover now