Chapter 27: Push and pull.

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You walked inside your office your secretary was waiting you with a couple there. You immediately understood that it was divorce case so you just took them in your office to start doing the papers about the divorce and stuff.

"Are you married? You seem so young?" the middle aged woman asked you.

"No I'm not." you replied as you signed the papers in front of you. Your mind was still on Chaeyoung the whole time and how you could just this morning together but you had this emergency.

"Oh really? I bet that you're not single though, you look so pretty to be single." the woman continued making you chuckle for a bit as you gave them the papers.

"Yeah I'm not single, I'm in relationship." you responded with a proud smile as you fidget your fingers under the desk.

"How old are you?" the man asked.

"24 Sir." you stated looking directly at the man who nodded at your response.

"Perfect age for a kid with your man.." the lady chimed in the conversation.

"Oh. Yeah right.." your eyes widen at the thought of the woman thinking that you had a relationship with a man yet you were in relationship with a woman. You didn't say anything you just agreed with them. "I don't think I'm ready for kids you know.." you added.

"Well it's your life to do whatever you want and whenever you want." the man said.

You totally agreed with him. They were so nice to you and even started a conversation with you which was quite odd because most of your costumers are just rude or don't say anything.

Time skip

At afternoon you came home. "I'm back." you called out taking off your shoes and walking inside to the living room finding Chaeyoung sleeping on the couch.

"Mmm..." Chaeyoung murmured softly, not waking up even as you entered the room. She was curled up on the couch, her body relaxed in sleep. Her breathing was steady and slow, her features soft and angelic in repose.

"Wake up Chaeng." you whispered brushing her hair off her face and picked her up in your arms to wake her up.

"Mmph..." Chaeyoung mumbled, her eyes fluttering open blearily. She yawned, stretching lazily as she looked up at you. "Hey, babe," she said groggily, a soft smile crossing her lips as she recognized you.

"You were reading a book while I was gone?" you said looking at the book on the table in front of you. You let her down and took the book to read the description from behind to see what type of book she was reading.

Mhm," Chaeyoung hummed, her eyes slowly adjusting to the light as she watched you pick up the book. "It's a romance novel," she said with a slight blush, noticing your curious glance at the cover.

"I can tell by the cover.." you said and started reading the back, your eyes widen when you noticed that it wasn't just a romance book. You started flipping through the book and stopped in a page that had a bit inappropriate things. "Oh." you gasped as you read what it said on the book.

"It's actually quite tame compared to some of the others I've read," Chaeyoung assured you with a shrug, looking at the page you'd found. "But hey, we all have our preferences." she continued.

"I didn't know you liked this type of books actually.." you said calmly yet surprised. You knew she wasn't innocent but you didn't knew she liked reading those type of books, she was right everyone had their own preferences.

"Well, I do," Chaeyoung told you with a small smile. "And I'm not the only one who does. You like watching those... explicit movies, don't you?" She raised an eyebrow at you, her tone playful yet slightly teasing.

Voices of delight (Son Chaeyoung x f reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz