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Later that year...

- Jimin-ah, look here and give me your best smile. Yoongi said clicking pictures of his boyfriend.
- hyung, my cheeks hurt, you've taken enough photos of me already. Jimin complained yet smiling for another picture.
- ofcourse! You finally graduated. Yoongi said proudly.
- it's not a big deal hyung. Jimin said shyly.

They drove back home after his graduation ceremony. Jimin was silent. Happy but silent. He looked outside the window, observing everything passing them. Yoongi didn't fail to notice the younger boys silence.
- aren't you happy Jimin-ah? He asked.
- huh? Uh yeah...yeah ofcourse I am! Jimin who was distracted answered.
- I have a surprise for you when we get home. Yoongi said smiling.
- oh? Really? Please don't tell me you're gonna take me home and cuddle me in a romantic setting.
- that's not...but wait...! Do you you not like that? Yoongi asked.
- no I mean I love that obviously but that's not a surprise! We always do that.
- yeah! That's not the surprise though.
I just don't know how will you take it. Yoongi said.
- what do you mean? What is it? Jimin was now curious.
- we'll get home and you'll see! He said.

When Jimin entered the house, he froze. He literally froze. He couldn't move one bit. Suddenly sweat came running down his body. He was nervous and didn't know how to react.
He turned to look at yoongi who entered from behind him.
Yoongi smiled shrugging his shoulders.

- w..what are y..you d..doing here? He stuttered.
- you graduated and you didn't even invite us. A soft voice complains.
- m..mom I..I didn't think y..you would come...Jimin said, his voice breaking as his chest became heavier.

- we're sorry jiminie, we should've come to see you long back. His father spoke.
Jimin gulped, what was he hearing? Was all this a dream or reality? He couldn't believe it.
- yes, if it wasn't for yoongi's constant convincing and singing stories of your journey till now, we wouldn't have realised how much you had to go through to get here. His mother said with tears in her eyes.

Jimin looked at yoongi who smiled back at the boy.

- we're proud of you jiminie. She said walking closer to hug her son.
Jimin turned again to look at yoongi. All this was something he never expected. His support all this time was his friends and his Yoongi hyung. He relied on them for everything and now after years of not having any contact with his parents he didn't know how to react.
Yes he was so emotional right now, but his strength was yoongi so he couldn't help but look at the elder.

Yoongi could understand what Jimin must feel right now, he simply encouraged Jimin to break the barrier he had created for his parents and give in for the hug.

And so Jimin did.

He didn't know how comforting that hug would be, to be able to hug your mother the same way you did when you were just a little child fitting perfectly in her embrace. In no time, tears slipped through his eyes and he let them because it was okay to cry when all you wanted was to be able to have your parents there with you in every step of your life and it was that day today.
They had finally appreciated Jimin for his independent descision, hardwork and struggles.

His dad was getting emotional too so he hugged them from behind because he didn't want to miss this moment.
Yoongi who stood there looking at the adorable family, captured that moment of what love feels like. He was glad he approached jimin's parents. His Jiminie was happy. That's all he ever wanted.

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3 years later....lessgo!!

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