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Yoongi looks at him, he stays silent for few seconds before he answers.
- you kissed me first.
- but you kissed me back hyung.
- it was just heat of the moment Jimin. It didn't mean anything. Just let it go. Just let me go. Yoongi screamed annoyed.
- oh.
Jimin leaves the grip he had on yoongi's wrist.
Yoongi walks away, leaving Jimin behind.

Jimin just stood there with a blank expression. He felt a pang in his heart. Whatever Yoongi just said, it fuckin hurt. He wasn't expecting this reaction after sharing a passionate kiss with yoongi. He hated how he felt.

Yoongi parked his car just after driving a distance of 5 minutes. He absolutely was regretting talking to Jimin like that. He graoned with frustration as he felt bad for being so rude.
He shouldn't have screamed. He was so mad at himself for talking like that.

He took his phone and started typing. He thought he should apologize to Jimin through a text but his phone died before he could send it.
He was even more frustrated now.

"Argh why the fuck did I scream at him" he said lightly banging his head on the steering.

"Jimin must be upset, I was so mean to him. He's gonna hate me arghh"

He decides to head back to the party, he had to apologise to Jimin.

• • •

Jimin walked back into the party, the loud music was annoying, the people were annoying, everything there was annoying. He did 5-6 shots of whiskey and walked out of the apartment again. He started walking randomly, he wasn't sure where he was headed. He suddenly was crying, his face was so red.

He was full of thoughts, why did Yoongi have to behave like that. Did the kiss really not mean anything? Because it definitely was something! Then why did yoongi say all that? Was it because he wasn't good enough? Was it because of hoseok?
He couldn't stop thinking about it.

A car's light flashed onto jimin's face which scared the shit out of him.
But the car stopped in front of him.
- Jimin? Is that you?

Jimin was not in the state, he couldn't recognise from afar until the person came closer.
- namjoon hyung! He hugged namjoon, more like fell over him.
- what's going on? Why are you here alone? You're so drunk jimin! Were you crying? Look at your face!

- yoon...he sobs. yoong...sobs
Yoongi hyung...sobss
- weren't y'all together a while ago? What happened?
- I wanna see yoongi hyung.
- he must be in the party, why are you walking here, let's get you there.
- he went home, hyung... went home.
- alright let's take you to Yoongi hyung. Come on in, this new friend of mine will drive us home okay? He said pointing towards the guy in the car.

Namjoon makes sure Jimin sits comfortably behind. Namjoon made a friend at the party, they were apparently going to makeout or something but he requested him to drive home so he could drop Jimin.

Jimin had passed out in the backseat. Namjoon checked if Yoongi was home before waking Jimin up.
Since he wasn't home, they both dropped Jimin on the comfortable bed in yoongi's room and left the place to go back to the party.

• • •

The moment yoongi reached back at the party, he went looking for Jimin. The only thing was, he couldn't find Jimin anywhere. He searched alot. All the rooms. He asked every person he could but Jimin was no where to be found.

Yoongi had panicked way too much. He only thought how he was the reason that Jimin was no where to be found. He didn't want taehyung and hoseok to panic so he didn't let them know because he was sure he'd find Jimin, no matter what!

Yoongi almost searched every possible place, nearest bars, restaurants. It was so difficult with jimin's phone being left at hoseok's place. Yoongi couldn't find him anywhere. He finally pulled namjoon away who was busy partying because he was the only person who he thought could help him right now.

- woahh hyungg, what happened! Let me beee! Namjoon said as yoongi literally pulled him away.
- Namjoon-ah I need you to find Jimin with me. He's lost, no where to be found. Yoongi said huffing as he was breathless with all the running from one place to another.
- oh now you care about him?
- it's not funny, namjoonah! we need to find him, it was me who hurt him, he must be upset and he's gone somewhere. We really need to find.....

- okay hyung, listen calm down. Hes fine, he's sleeping peacefully in your room. Don't worry about him. Come lets enjoy. Namjoon said as he smiled at the elder.
- wait what? Yoongi was confused on hearing that. wha..what do, what do you mean?
- I dropped him home. He wanted to see you so bad. Namjoon explains the whole situation to yoongi.

Yoongi immediately drives back home. He had to see Jimin ASAP.

When he reached home, he saw Jimin sleeping in his bed and yoongi could finally breathe now.
He made sure Jimin was warm. He decided to sleep on the couch in the living area.

• • •

Everyone at hoseok's party were finally leaving. Hoseok couldn't help but notice that Yoongi was no where to be found neither was Jimin.
Hoseok was suddenly all too quite. He thought about them being together someplace.
He didn't feel right. His heart just hurt too much when he thought about it. He so wanted to know where they were but he decided not to think about it because it only hurt him more.

He tried to distract himself with his other friends who were present at the party.

• • •

The next morning Yoongi woke up before Jimin. He went to check on him. Jimin was sleeping cutely. Yoongi walked closer to him, he touched his cheeks softly and smiled.

Jimin was soooooooooo cuteeeeeeeee.

Yoongi couldn't hold back the urge to peck his cheek. Yoongi leaned ahead but moved back immediately as Jimin moved slightly. He graoned holding his head in his sleep.

Yoongi realised that Jimin wouldn't be in a good state after he wakes up. So he thought about making some breakfast for him before he could wake up. He went to the kitchen and started working.

When Jimin partly opened his eyes, he was not so sure as to where he was and that scared him a bit.
His head hurt alot. He looked around in the room. It was unfamiliar, Jimin had never been to yoongi's room.
He was tired to even get up from the bed but he had to! He had to get out of there.

His eyes moved towards the door that was opening from outside, he wondered who it was. The moment he saw yoongi enter in, he panicked.
Because what was he doing at yoongi's place! After everything that happened.
He clearly remembered their kiss and the fact that it didn't mean anything to Yoongi. He remembered it.

- you're up Jimin-ah! Yoongi said walking towards the younger with a glass of water.
- uh yeah uh hyung what is going on why am I here, how did I end up here?
- why don't you ask namjoon. He said sarcastic.
- wh..what do you mean? Why would I...argh my head.
- Do you have any idea for how long I was searching for you last night?
- why were you searching for me?
- because...ugh nevermind. Move aside I'll give you a head massage.
- huh? Uh no hyung it's uh, it's alright...I'm fin..
- Jimin-ah! Just move. Let me do it.

YOONMIN make my heart flutter so much these days AAAAA😭
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