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Jimin scoots over to the side, making space for Yoongi to sit.
Yoongi asks Jimin to keep his head on his lap for a better massage.

Jimin couldn't believe what was happening, he felt so jittery. He did as yoongi said.
When yoongi placed his fingers on jimin's forehead, he gulped due to the cold touch.
He shut his eyes tight, in that moment he got flashbacks of their kiss last night.

He held his breath as yoongi's fingers moved on his temples.
It definitely felt good. So good. Jimin had held himself from letting out any moan because he worried it could get awkward.
After all he couldn't forget the kiss didn't mean anything.

- do you feel good? Yoongi whispered.

Why would he whisper? Why would he do that? Jimin opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was yoongi's lips. He definitely felt the tension. The urge he had to go closer and kiss the elder.

But he stopped himself. He got up from there.
- you okay? Yoongi asked.
- uh yeah! Hyung, it was nice.Thankyou!
Jimin tried to get out of the bed, he wanted to leave from there.

- Jimin-ah, uh listen. Uh about yesterday...um whatever happened between us...
- hyung, don't worry about it, I know it didn't mean anything, also uh whatever I said yesterday, I was just too drunk! I didn't mean it either. That was so stupid of me. He fakes a laugh.
I don't know how I ended up here but thankyou for letting me sleep the night.
Anyways hyung, I'll leave now.

Now it was Yoongi who was hurt. And had nothing to say after listening to Jimin.

Was he serious right now? Was Jimin only talking all that because of alcohol? Did he really not like yoongi? It all felt like a dream.

Yoongi wanted to apologise to Jimin for being rude. It just seemed too hard now. Yoongi was hurt. Really!

• • •

That afternoon, after hoseok was all sober he decided to call Yoongi. It was a long night for him. His thoughts didn't let him sleep but he had passed out because of the alcohol.

They had decided to meet up at a cafe and talk things out.
Hoseok was prepared, that's all he did last night when he couldn't sleep.
He knew what yoongi was going to say. But it was better than having any hopes, atleast he could move on.

• • •

Yoongi was waiting for him at the cafe.
He was nervous, he was afraid of hurting hoseok because now, he knew exactly how it felt.

Hoseok entered in looking for Yoongi. He didn't look excited as he usually would. Yoongi could see it on his face.

- uh hi hoba!
- hyung. Hoseok smiled but it was not his usual. He was definitely not good at the moment.
- do you want to order something?
- uh yeah, I'll have a cold coffee. He said, his tone was low.
- okay.

They give orders and then look at each other waiting for it to arrive. Hoseok couldn't really sit there silently so he directly came to the point.

- hyung!
- uh yeah?
- where did you go last night? I didn't see you after we did the cake cutting.
Yoongi sighed before answering.
- you see... Last night, I kinda hurt Jimin.

Hoseok scoffed. He knew it, he knew it was going to be about Jimin. He didn't want to hear that name but yet he knew this was going to happen. It's not like he hated Jimin, he could never! But he hated the fact that there was a triangle.

He thought Jimin was in between them but he realised that it was him between them all this time. It sucked. If only he knew it in the start, he wouldn't really fall into this.

He really liked Yoongi alot. And it just sucked so much to know that you love someone, and you will keep loving them without being loved back. It was so real, it hurt too much to be anything else.

Yoongi continues to talk...
- I said mean things to him, I was very rude, I left your place but when I came back Jimin was not there. So I was searching him.
- what happened exactly? Why were you mean to him again?
- uh..uh that..uh we were... Yoongi hesitates.

Their order shows up and that distracts them. Yoongi was kinda relieved because he wasn't going to tell hoseok that he kissed Jimin. Nah!
Hoseok didn't look good already and he couldn't hurt him more.

- well hoba, I wanted to tell you that I think, it's better to just...
- just be friends right? Hoseok interrupted.
Yoongi looked surprised, how did hoseok know what he was gonna say.
- uh..yea..yeah!

Hoseok chuckled.

- hoba, listen... I like you, like a lot! But I don't know it felt more like a friendship with you. I tried to like you romantically but it didn't make sense. I want you in my life but as my bestfriend!

I cannot describe how comfortable it is to be with you! It's just so easy to be myself with you! I don't even feel that with namjoon, we've been together for long enough! But with you, it was always so easy! Hoseok-ah you're really important to me and I don't ever wanna loose you okay? Let's just be good friends for life yeah?

Hoseok was so emotional right now! He could cry any moment.
- hyung, that was a good way to tell me you don't want to date! He chuckles as he wipes his eyes filled with tears.

- hoba, I..I don't want you to cry! Please!
- no hyung, let me! You've made me so emotional! Do you know how much you mean to me? And you saying all this makes my heart want you more!
But I know! And I won't ask you to date me! I want you in my life too hyung! So yes let's just be good friends!

Yoongi gets off his seat and hugs hoseok.
He wipes off hoseok's tears.
They get back to eating, they both felt good. Yoongi felt so good as he finally got it off his chest.

He removed a pendrive from his pocket and placed it on the table.
- here. This is for you.
- huh? What's this? Hoseok asked surprised.
- your birthday gift. I hope you like it.
- wait what? He said smiling.
- check it out later.
- I can't wait to!!
They sipped their coffee with grin on their faces.

- hyung, so can I ask you a question? Hoseok said suddenly.
- mhmm, go ahead.
- since when did you start liking Jimin?
- huh? Yoongi was surprised on hearing the question. What are you talking?
- yeah? You like him, don't you?
- who told you that?
- hyung, it's written all over your face!

Yoongi touches his face, let's out a confused chuckle with a blush on his cheeks.
- no! That's not true.
- um, okay, if you say so!

Sleepover // YOONMINWhere stories live. Discover now