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Jimin did as Namjoon suggested. He went for it. He informed chanyeol that he would love to join him for the new project.

Jimin actually really wanted to do it. It felt like an opportunity to do well with singing. He was happy that namjoon suggested him to do it.

They were going to meet and discuss about the project. Chanyeol had asked him to meet at a bar.
Jimin was very excited but nervous because it was his first time trying something like this.

He wished could let Yoongi know because apart from liking him, they definitely had a bond. He knew Yoongi would be happy.

• • •

Jungkook was walking back home from his college but he had to make a stop at the grocery store. Seokjin had given him the list of items to buy back on his way

He entered the store and was picking up the items according to the list. After everything on the list was checked, he was looking for some chips to munch on  back his way home. He suddenly saw a familiar face.

- hey. Jungkook walked closer with a smile on his face.
- oh, hey!
- Jin hyung's saviour! He said smiling.
- You remember me! Namjoon let out an awkward chuckle.
- ofcourse! I wasn't the one drunk.
- grocery shopping?
- yeah, you too?
- yeah! Hey you should come eat with us sometime too! You know hyungs is an amazing chef.
- Did i just get invited to Kim Seokjin's dinner party?
- yes, you should come!
- you think he is gonna be happy looking at me?
- yeah! I think so!
- ahahaha thankyou for the inviting, but I'll surely come next time. We have a dinner party too!
- oh well then okay! But do come next time for sure!
- ofcourse it was nice seeing you Jungkook!
- same here! See you!
- bye!

Taehyung who was busy buying stuff in another section had seen the two talk from a distance.
When Jungkook left, he walked towards namjoon asking him about it.
- hyung, who was that guy?
- I saved his brother.
- what? You saved his brother? From what?
- eh, he was just wasted. So I dropped him home.
- oh!
- he was inviting me for dinner.
- oh wow! You should have gone!
- yeah right and then have Yoongi hyung sulk because I wasn't there to have his delicious food.
- right! hyung becomes a sulky baby.
- we should go try the chicken there sometime.
- does he own it?
- yeah him and his brother.
- Ah! Sure.

• • •

Chanyeol was waiting for Jimin at the bar whereas Jimin was literally outside being nervous.
He called taehyung, he had calmed down a little after talking to him.

Jimin before leaving had texted namjoon about the meet. He thought he should inform.

He walked inside the bar, still nervous.
They both met eyes and chanyeol looked at him with the sweetest smile.

He sat across the table, in front of chanyeol.
- Hi, I'm so glad you came!
- Uh, yeah it looks like a good opportunity to improve my vocals more.
- you are already great! Chanyeol said smiling.
- thankyou. Jimin said smiling awkwardly touching the back of his hair. Uh but where is the other person? Weren't you gonna select two of us?
- I didn't think anyone was good enough. I was really impressed by your voice. I'll wait a bit and select one more in next two days.
- oh okay. We could have held the meeting later then. Jimin was very nervous as he spoke.
- are you uncomfortable? We can definitely do it later too!
- um, no uh..I'm just nervous!
- well, I understand! How about we a get a drink or something so that we can relax a bit and talk better!
- uh, sure!

• • •

Yoongi was parking his car as he just got back from work, it was a tiring day. Their dinner party was cancelled because he was tired. He just wanted to relax a bit. He had planned to get into his comfy clothes and laze around as he watched some movie. Before he could open the door to enter the apartment, namjoon was coming out of it.

- hey, hyung, you're back! Namjoon greeted in hurry.
- yeah, where you going? Yoongi asked confused.
- uhm..Jimin and chanyeol are meeting, I think I should be there, just incase anything happens. He was in hurry as he was running late, the cab had still not arrived.

- you're telling me now? Are you serious? Yoongi said frustrated.
- what the hell? You said you didn't care!
Jimin had asked me and I think I should just be there for him.

- I'm coming with you! Yoongi said.
- are you sure? Namjoon asked.
- yes, I'll drive, let's go.
- fine. They're at Soho.
- they're meeting there!
- to discuss music? You're kidding right?
What's wrong with Jimin? Does he not get it! Chan's just hitting on him! Ugh!
- hyung, calm down let's go there first and we'll find out.

• • •

Yoongi and Namjoon spotted them, sitting in the corner, smiling and talking.
Yoongi was about to walk towards them right away but namjoon stopped him.
- hyung, we'll go only if there's trouble!
- this whole situation, them sitting together itself is a big trouble. He scoffed.

They sat at a table from where they could keep and eye on them.
Yoongi had only seen Jimin, he couldn't see chanyeol as he sat facing in the opposite direction. He was only thinking about Jimin at the moment.

Jimin and chanyeol now were pretty comfortable with each other and jimin was openly talking about things related to music. It seemed like they were having a good conversation.

Chanyeol was suddenly touching jimin's hand. Yoongi was watching. He wasn't quite happy about it but he decided to keep calm.
He could see chanyeol getting up from his seat, just to get up and sit next to Jimin. That was when yoongi saw chanyeol. It had been years. He looked really handsome. Yoongi went silent on seeing him.

Namjoon could see the expression on his face, he felt bad.
It was not easy for him back then and he just hoped Yoongi was going to be fine if they come across.

Yoongi had his eyes on them as they were talking and it was not easy to watch them sitting so close and talking.

Yoongi got up, started walking towards them. He couldn't possibly sit there watching all that.
Namjoon didn't stop him, he knew what he was doing. He intended that.

When Jimin saw yoongi, his heart was racing so fast. He didn't know how to react, he was confused but he wanted to smile because he saw him after a long time.
Yoongi grabbed the chair and sat in front of them.

- hyu..ung..hi..i
- I heard you're talking about the new project huh? Chan? Yoongi said looking at Jimin first and then at chanyeol.
- Yoongi! Chanyeol was so surprised to see him.
- you know..eachother? Jimin said confused.
Yoongi kept looking at chanyeol, expecting him to answer.
- uh yeah..yeah, we do!

- weren't you in the states? Yoongi asked.
- yeah! I came back a month ago! For this project! Do you live in Seoul now?
- yes. Isn't it weird that you're discussing about music in the bar, hitting on him so much, making him the most uncomfortable.
- what? What are you talking about? why would I do that? Chanyeol was confused.
- because that's what you've always done.
That's exactly what you did back then. I won't let you take him away from me.

- omg! are you still stuck on that? It was in the past and you weren't gonna get him anyway. He never liked you. You were just wasting your time.
- Enough! Jimin, You can't wait with this piece of shit. He got up grabbing jimin's hand and getting him out of the bar with him.

Jimin was so confused with everything that had just happened.
- hyung...what was all that? He asked.
- I..I'm so sorry Jimin but I couldn't let you sit with him anymore.
- b..but what's the matter? Can you please explain?

Sorry for being late, I hope you like it!

Not me wanting to put some dramatic scenes after watching Haegeum MV so many times.

Sleepover // YOONMINOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant