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Another long chapter? Enjoy;)

Yoongi gently tried to get out of jimin's grip on his hand.
He got up trying not to wake the younger up and started walking towards his own room.

- hyung. Jimin had woken up because of sudden sense of discomfort.
Yoongi closed his eyes, pressing his lips tightly, he took a deep breath and turned to look at Jimin.

He had a swollen face too, because of all the crying he did, hair were a mess and eyes were red.

- you should freshen up. He said looking at the younger before turning around and walking back towards his room.

When yoongi went back to his room and shut the door behind him, he wanted to scream. He wanted to scream the hell out of his lungs.
But he shed a few tears instead.
He didn't like to see Jimin like that. He wanted to hug the guy and tell him not to cry but how was he going to do that when he himself was a crying mess.

Jimin washed his face thoroughly and went to Yoongi's room. He knocked the door but Yoongi wouldn't reply.
Twice thrice but no answer.
- I'm coming in. He said turning the doorknob only to find out it was locked.

Jimin's heart almost sank again when he heard the elder's voice.
- go away Park Jimin. He said.
- no, I'm not going anywhere. I want to talk to you. Jimin said.

He kept banging the door again when he heard no replies.
- I need to be alone jimin, please. Yoongi said.
- you can be all alone, but first we need to talk. Jimin screamed a little, annoyed by the elder's behaviour.

Yoongi's heart dropped to his stomach. What did he just hear Jimin say.

'you can be all alone, but first we need to talk.'

Yoongi wiped his eyes quickly before opening the door.
They both looked at each other, yoongi's eyes were damp while the other's were angry but his expression immediately softened on seeing the elder.
- hyung, I'm sorry! He said.
I'm sorry. I was drunk. I didn't mean to...
- since how long is this going on? Yoongi asked defeated.
- w..what? It's..not..
- how long have you been going out with him? Yoongi asked slightly annoyed.
- hyung what the hell are you talking? He's just my friend. Jimin frowned.
- whom you fuck? Yoongi was harsh. He was hurt, he tried to control himself but the more he opened his mouth, the more the words spilled out.
- hyung stop! Why the fuck..? Stop assuming things that didn't even happen. Jimin hated the way Yoongi just assumed things at this point.

- I just saw you two almost kissing last night. What was that for? Shall I not assume? Yoongi said controlling his voice.
I was drunk and I was not in my right mind. I'm sorry. Jimin screamed in pain.
- stop screaming! and does saying sorry make it better? Yoongi said carefully raising his voice a little to press jimin's down.
- It doesn't, But I feel pathetic after last night. I want you to know that. Jimin looked down at himself, hiding his face.
- and what? forgive you so that you can get drunk and attempt to do something like this again? Yoongi asked, clenching his jaw while his eyes were about to burst tears out.
Jimin looked up at that instant.
- hyung? how can you say all this when you yourself have not been loyal to me?
Jimin was really mad at yoongi because the whole reason behind why he went there in the first place was because he thought Yoongi was probably cheating or falling out of love.

Yoongi frowned, wiping his eyes.
- not loyal to you? What makes you say that? He asked.
- your chats?? With your annoying work husband!! Jimin said in a mocking tone.
- work husband? What? Yoongi asked confused.
- Yi Jeong!! Jimin screamed.
- what? Yoongi chuckled. He didn't actually believe Jimin said that.
- you literally spend all your time together...
- does that mean we're kissing? Yoongi asked in disbelief.
- oh does it not? Jimin only got angrier.
- NO! we work together Jimin-ah, why...
- yeah? So what about the chats? Why does he always keep texting you so much. Why is he obsssesed with you?
- you checked my phone? Yoongi asked yet again in disbelief.
-I didn't check your phone, ugh, he keeps texting, all the time! I just opened it once. I didn't mean to check on...
- this is sick. Yoongi's forehead creased.
- it is!

There was a moment of silence.

- So are you telling me what's going on with you two? Jimin asked.
- there's nothing going on Jimin! Why would there be anything when I'm already with you. Yoongi said.
- then what the fuck are those texts hyung? You can't possibly lie to me right now. What did you mean when you said don't act sus when you leave my studio?

Yoongi opens his chats with Yi Jeong. The last text being two heart emojis from Yi Jeong. They both looked at each other for yoongi to quickly look back down at his phone again.

- him sending you hearts is very normal isn't it? Jimin asked gritting his teeth.
- he is like that Jimin and I've known him for long enough for it to be normal now.
Jimin glared at yoongi as he scrolled down the chats.

- oh..oh these..Yoongi remembered what he had written when he saw the chats.
- what are these? What do you mean here? What do you mean you'll be free? Are you planning on leaving me? What the fuck is all this? Jimin asked, tears brimming his eyes suddenly.
- Jimin I..I was going to tell you..
- tell me when? Hyung I was drunk because I couldn't believe you would do something like that. Tears leaving his eyes instantly.
It hurt. Mentally emotionally, I wasn't feeling well hyung. Just thinking you might be with Yi Jeong made me sick. You had time off yesterday, I wanted you to see me, but you didn't call or text. It hurt.
Jimin started weeping, his nose was runny and eyes were swollen.

- I came Jimin. I was coming to meet you only. There's nothing going on between us. Yoongi said as he held jimin's face, wiping the tears off his face. Yoongi hated seeing him like that.
We literally only work together, he's my friend too. He said.
- then why would you leave me? Jimin cried.
Yoongi made sure Jimin sat on bed first, he offered him tissues from the side table and a glass of water while he continued to speak.

- Jimin-ah, we were talking about going to Japan. For work.
- w..what? Jimin looked up at him as he held the glass in both his hands.
- yes Jimin, when he said we'll be free, he meant we'll be free from our work. And that whole sus behaviour thingy...it was..we didn't want anybody to find out as it was a..a surprise..for you. Yoongi said.
- s..surprise? w..what surprise? Jimin asked confused.
- we would have completed a year next month Jimin. I..I had a little something planned. We were talking about that.
- oh! right, we complete a year. Jimin realised.
- yes!

Another moment of silence in the room.
Jimin was assuming things too, all this time. There was no proof of anything actually other than those stupid chats. How could he not trust Yoongi. He could have asked! What a mess he had created for himself. Yoongi was only going to surprise him. He hated himself. What was he going to do with the fact that he actually was going to kiss jungkook and yoongi had witnessed it. He was fucked.

- so..y..you you weren't going to actually leave me? Jimin asked when he processed everything.
- never crossed my mind even for once... until last night!
- hyung, I..I didn't know all this, fuck...I'm so sorry.
- you could have asked me Jimin, if it bothered you so much.
- you were never there hyung. Were you? You always just came home late when I was already sleeping. You immerse yourself so much into your work, Its like you're a whole new person that I don't even know. Jimin tried to explain.
- I am actually genuinely sorry for that. I know it had not been easy for you, well it wasn't easy for me either. The only best part about my day was coming and sleeping next to you. Yoongi said.
- I'm s..sorry hyung. Sorry for not trusting you. Jimin felt so bad. So so bad.

Yoongi sat next to Jimin with some distance between the two.
Jimin tried to reach his hand out to touch yoongi's but Yoongi pulled away to wipe his wet eyes.
Jimin swallowed the lump in his throat.
- we should take some time apart Jimin.
I know you're sick of me. Yoongi said.
- no hyung, what are you talking? we shouldn't. You've only been apart for the past few months. Do you not get it? I'm sick of you not being around.
- I cannot stay in the same room as you with all the thoughts in my head. Yoongi said.
It hurt Jimin so much. His nostrils flared up as he started breathing heavily almost about to break into a loud cry.

- y..you're r..right. Right. Jimin's voice broke as his lips trembled. You stay here but you're coming back home. He said.
- I..I don't know about that Jimin. Yoongi said.
- You have to! You've been away for long enough already. I need you. Jimin cried.
- do you really?

Jimin knew what Yoongi meant and it FUCKING hurt.

Ima cryyy
My babies need to fix it asap.
Please don't be away from each other anymore.

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