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There was a dance competition in Campion University.
Jimin and Hoseok along with others were getting ready for competition.
They were prepared and they knew that they would win this one too.

An hour before the show they reached the place and were eating in the green room so that no one feels weak during the performance.
They had to win no matter what.

Jimin went searching for a washroom. He released himself, he opened the door as he was done. He could see a familiar face. It was none other than Jungkook who was washing his hands. He turned to look at jimin as he called his name.
- Jungkoooook, hiii. Jimin said excited.
- oh, heyy jimin hii! Jungkook who froze for a second replied.

- What are you doing here? I didn't expect to see you here. Jimin said.
- Why did you not expect, I'm from this college. Did you forget? Jungkook asked.
- oh yeah right, oh damn how could I forget!
- hmm maybe after we win the competition you will always remember? Jungkook was very confident.
- ooohh nice confidence kid. We'll see, okay? He said breaking it down.
- sureee.
- Btw Jungkook you look great. Your costume is really nice. He said getting closer to Jungkook to touch his costume.
- Really? Thanks. We had a hard time choosing one.
- hahaha we went through that shit too. Anyways all the best.
- All the best Jimin. Well um you look great too.
- hehe thanks, see you!
- see you!

Jungkook walks back to his room where the others were getting ready. He looks at himself, getting all shy thinking about how beautiful jimin looked in his outfit, he really wished he could compliment him more but he just couldn't, he was shy.
He didn't show it before, but he really was. He thought about Jimin complimenting him, it felt good.

Jungkook never had good friends, he always was treated poorly because he wasn't rich, but he was talented. People were jealous because he always got everything done with his talent, all the professors liked him, coz he was truly the one with all the efforts. No one really talked to him much. He always wondered, was being rich all he needed to have good friends in life? To actually have better living? Is money everything?

That was one of the reasons he worked hard everyday. To make sure he has enough money. To live happily?

• • •

Jimin, Hoseok and others were on the stage posing for pictures with the trophy in their hands. Yes. They won the competition.
They knew they would. They were prepared.

They walk down the stage and celebrate among themselves. They wrap everything up and decide to go for an afterparty.

They hear a knock on the door of their room. Sungwoon opens the door.
- yes?
- is jimin here?
Jimin looks at the door when hears his name.

- Jimin, someone is here to see you.

He walks towards the door.
Jimin looks at Jungkook who was standing outside the door waiting for him.
- Somebody was soo confident today.
Jimin teases as he walks towards him.

Jungkook smiles shy and defeated.
- Congratulations Jimin. He comes inside the door. Everyone's eyes on him.
- Congratulations guys. Y'all were amazing.

Everyone thanks in sync.
Jimin smiles at him, he found Jungkook very adorable.
- you were amazing too, you know? Jimin says with a smile.
- I don't know about that but, you were smoking hot up there, I swear to god. Jungkook whispers.

- Oh stop it! Jimin smiles shyly.
- Do you wanna go grab some dinner? Jungkook asks.
- Actually I was going to go with them, we won afterall, we need to celebrate.
- yeah right! Well how about y'all come get some fried chicken at my place?

- oh well yeah, that's a great idea! Let's do that.
- Cool. I'll go help Jin hyung then. I'll be waiting for you guys!
- sure, we'll be there in some time. Bye.
- buhbye.

Jimin walks back in towards hoseok.
Hoseok looked at Jimin with a smug face.
- who was that guy, huh? Hoseok asked.
- oh, that, um he, actually I just met him at his place. I'll tell you about it later yeah? Let's go eat now, the fried chicken there is really great.
- alright but you gotta tell me everything later.
- ofcourse hyung.

They hear another knock on the door. Jimin opens the door this time.
- huh? He froze.

Jimin's heart beats faster as he looks at the person standing at the door, holding flowers in his right hand.
- heya!
- what are you doing here hyung?
- I came to see the performance.
- Really? Jimin smiles on hearing that.
- yeah Jimin. Where's Hoseok?
He snaps back to reality, he presses his lips into a thin line. He points at hoseok. Yoongi walks in as he congratulates everyone.

He hands over the flowers to hoseok.
- congratulations hoba, you were so so great. I knew you'd win it.
- heyy thanks you made it, thanks alot hyung.
- ofcourse how could I miss your performance.
- thankyou so much hyung! Means a lot. We're going out for dinner, you should come too hyung
- I wish I could, but I have to complete my work.
- Alright, I can understand.
Jimin was looking at them as they talked. It hurt his heart. For some reason, he didn't like the feeling. He just left the green room and walked towards the exit. Alone.

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