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Guys Jimin's Album "FACE" releasing next month. So excited already!!
Hahaha today's run bts was also so chaotic and cute at the same time!!

They reach Jimin's apartment only to find out it was locked.
- hyung it's locked.
- oh!
- Is he still at the college? Taehyung wondered.
- he might be. Nevermind I guess I'll see him later only.
- Do you wanna grab lunch hyung?
- sure let's go.
- hyung, how come you don't know where yoongi hyung is? He should have told you. You know that they've hardly been given work this week right?

Hoseok looks at taehyung confused.
- really? Then what is he working on?
- that hyung always wants to keep working.
- I really like his determination. He blushes as he compliments.
- ofcourse youu dooo.
Hyung honestly but, do you really like him?
- I like him enough to ask him out soon.
- really? Omg!! Thats so cute.
- Tae, I don't know about him though.
- Idk if he likes me the way I do.
- why don't you talk about it to him.
- If only we get time! Whenever we meet it's mostly about work. Other than that we've never been on a proper date or something.
- hyung he's all free this week, you should definitely go on a date.
- you think so?
- hell yeah!!
- alright, I'll talk to him.

Jimin and yoongi decide to go to a music store that they find on their way.
They discover various tracks that were soothing as well as some tracks that they could totally vibe on to.

Yoongi literally did not stop talking about his knowledge of music. Not that jimin minded at all.
He loved how yoongi was engrossed giving out information. He had never seen yoongi talking so much with all the excitement.

One thing he noticed was whenever yoongi found something interesting in one of the racks there, he kept saying Jiminie I found this, you'll love it, Jiminie this one is so good, Jiminie this, Jiminie that.
He kept saying Jiminie. He loved it. He fucking loved it when yoongi called him Jiminie. Others did too, but yoongi's hit different.

They went to places Jimin suggested.
The park where he played the most in his childhood. Jimin went around showing yoongi all the rides he loved.
- that was my favourite ride. He points towards a ride in the corner of the park.
- The Seesaw?
- Yes. My dad always took me to the park and I always ran towards it first.
Honestly I don't even know why I liked it so much. He laughs.

The turf he played soccer on.
The icecream store, his favourite one.
They finally reach the beach before sunset. He always loved it there. He found peace just looking at the blue sea.

Jimin sits down in the sand. So does yoongi. Jimin stared at the waves coming by with a force and slowly disappearing by the shore.
- It's so peaceful here. Said Jimin, fixing eyes on the sea.
- It is. Yoongi said softly appreciating the silence.
- you know I used to come here crying. I always found it peaceful here. Jimin laughed at his past memory from this place.
- why, why did you come here crying?
- Jimin scoffs. You know whenever I had fights with my parents. This place helped me heal.

Jimin took a long pause before speaking again.
They never supported me when I decided to major in dance. Thats how it started. I don't talk to my parents. I haven't spoken to them since forever.

Yoongi fixes his eyes on Jimin as he continues to talk.
- You know I had applied for colleges in Seoul and when I knew I got in, I packed my bags and told my parents, "I'm leaving for Seoul, I got accepted in Hillspring University."

Yoongi chuckled a bit as Jimin imitiated his younger self.
They didn't say anything, they let me go. I thought they finally accepted it. Although I was wrong. They totally abandoned me. Whenever I called them the call always went on voicemail. And it's funny but true, they never called me to ask how I was doing. They just texted me on my birthday 'happy birthday' that's it.

When I came to Seoul, I got to know that they had arranged a house for me to live. Again, I thought they accepted it. I called my mom as soon as I settled down. I was excited to talk to her. She picked up and started speaking "Jimin you are our responsibility and as responsible parents we will pay for your living and education."

That moment I felt like shit. I'm just their responsibility. I didn't know what to say anymore, I hung up on her.
- It must have been hard.
- It was hyung. It still is. You think I don't miss them? I want to be loved by my parents too hyung. Is it too much to ask? Just because I chose something I want to do. Is that how it works?
All they cared about was their stupid business. They wanted me to continue in the same field as my dad so it would bring us profit. But what about me? What about my dreams?

Yoongi gently rubs Jimin's back.
- I think you're very strong Jimin. You literally managed to do everything by yourself, and you're doing pretty fine too. I'm sure you're parents miss you alot.
- no hyung there's no way. There's no way! He sobs.
- hey, come here. You'll be fine.
Yoongi pulls him closer. Jimin lays his head on yoongi's shoulder as the elder pats his head.

They stay like that for few minutes.
- Jimin
- mmh?
- you should write down what you feel at this moment.
- hmm.
Jimin grabbed his book and starts writing down what he feels.
His attention suddenly moves towards his phone that lights up due to the notification.

Yoongi was recording the sea and then panned the camera at Jimin.
"jiminie" he said.

Jimin's eyes were in his phone, he furrowed his eyebrows as he was looking at text.

Wanna catch up tonight? Maybe a movie or something?

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