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Jimin sat next to the pool with another bottle of whiskey in his hand. Hoseok spotted Jimin there, he didn't look so good.
- Jimin-ah? What happened? Why are you sitting here like this? Are you okay? Hoseok was really worried looking at Jimin like that.
- ye..ah I..I'm goo..odd. Happy Birthday Hobi hyungg. Jimin stands up smiles so big, hugging hoseok.
- than..ank youu. Jimin-ah, you're so ugh so drunk. He tries to handle Jimin who had put his whole weight on him.

Yoongi walked towards them with a bottles of whiskey. They were going to drink peacefully and talk about each other, probably clear things out. Atleast that's what yoongi had on his mind.

Jimin was so drunk he didn't even notice Yoongi standing there.
- hyung he's so drunk. I think we should tuck him in bed? Hoseok worries too much for the younger.
- Sure. Yoongi helps hoseok to hold Jimin and take him to the room upstairs.
- why did he have to drink so much. Yoongi was worried too.
- Bec..ause of you. Jimin mumbled.
- what? Yoongi didn't understand quite well.

- hoseok-ah, your school friends are here. Dosan came looking for hoseok.
- what really? Hoseok was excited. I'll be there in 5 minutes.

- hoba, I'll take him up. You should go meet your friends. Yoongi suggested.
- ah no hyung, I'll tuck him to bed first. Hoseok smiled.
- hyung, I'm ok..ay! I can go...on my own. I don't need anybody to TUCK ME IN BED. Jimin said with passive aggressive tone.

- you should really go, I'll take care of him. Yoongi insisted.
- uh, okay hyung, only because you're saying. Jiminie please don't fight with hyung. Let him hold you. Hoseok leaves after saying that.

Yoongi takes jimin's hand, placing it across his shoulders and holding him by his waist. The grip was tight. Jimin tried to let go of the grip.
- argh, hyung leeeaave me, I feel ticklish.
Yoongi let goes of his hand from his waist. Holding him by his shoulder.
- why are you like this jiminie. I'm helping you out here.
- you're not really helping, you're just making it harder.
- okay, I'll leave you on your own. Yoongi was bit annoyed and it was jimin's first time seeing him like that.
- what do you mean? You want me to fall, don't you?
Yoongi turns his head away in annoyance.
Jimin locates himself in front of his face. He cracks up a bit on seeing yoongi angy.
- wait are you mad at me or something?
Jimin asks covering his mouth to hide his laughs.
- I'm not. Yoongi said annoyed.
- oh you clearly are!! what happened, what did I do to you? Jimin asks cutely.
- nothing, you did nothing. Yoongi tries to avoid it.
- come on, it's so clear. Tell me? Jimin insists.
- you seriously don't get it Jimin?
- no hyung. Jimin talks in pout while looking at the elder with his drunk puppy eyes.
- don't...ugh don't make that face. Yoongi looks away from Jimin.

Look Jimin, I genuinely care for you okay? He turns his head to look back at him.
You are so drunk for whatever reason, I don't think you're fine and you should get some sleep. Okay? Now will you go sleep? Jimin? Yoongi was firm when he said that to Jimin.

Jimin smiles looking at the elder. Yoongi cared and Jimin liked it. Yoongi talked to him as if he had the complete right to scold him when he wasn't taking care of himself. It felt good to have someone like that.

- what is so amusing to you? Do I look like a joke? Yoongi asked even more annoyed.
- hyung can you hold me? I mean so that I don't fall.
Yoongi looked so done.
- what do you think was I doing before? Yoongi glared at him while holding him again.
- I thought you just liked it. Jimin teased.
Yoongi tries to back off again but Jimin speaks "I was kidding hyung, sorry" before he could let go off his hold. Jimin laughs.

They enter the room. Yoongi makes Jimin sit on the bed. He pours water in the glass that was kept at the table beside. Jimin keeps looking at the elder with a fond smile.
- What? Why are you looking at me like that? Yoongi asks handing over the glass of water to Jimin.
- hyung, you're cute, you know when you're mad. Jimin chuckles shyly.
Yoongi felt butterflies, but he acted fool.

- sleep now. I'll get going.
- hyung wait. I don't feel so good.
- what happened? What's wrong?
- I feel like... I'll puke. Jimin rushes to the bathroom as he feels the urge to puke.

Yoongi goes behind him. He waits there till Jimin let's it all out, lightly patting his back. After a nice puking session of about 15 minutes Jimin washes his mouth and face nice and clean before he comes out of bathroom. Yoongi holds Jimin, makes him sit on the bed comfortably. He gives him lot of water to drink.
Jimin was drinking water while he looked at Yoongi. He kept looking at the elder, literally like a baby.
- do you feeel better Jimin? Yoongi asks.
- mhm yes.
- you will sleep now. Come on lie down let me see you asleep.

Jimin stands up, his was face closer to yoongi's.
- hyung can I hug you? Jimin asks softly.
Yoongi nods. Jimin snuggles into yoongi's chest and hugs him. Yoongi let's him, he closes his eyes to feel him in his arms. It was so comfortable. Yoongi had never felt so comfortable before.
- I feel warm. Jimin said tightening the grip.
- Jimin-ah, did you get dumped or something? I saw you in the lawn earlier, you didn't look so good. Why did you have to drink so much?
Jimin was silent for seconds before he spoke.
- hyung...

I'm in love with MIN YOONGI guys! I can't wait for his album as well as the documentary!!!
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Hope you have a lovely day :)

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