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Okay guys, before you start reading, I just want you to know! I'm OBSESSED with yoonmin. So please be with me, interesting chapters are on their way.

There was this one particular time in the afternoon where there were hardly any customers so Jungkook had invited Jimin over. They had lunch together.
Jungkook was not so good past few days eversince Seokjin had given him the news and Jimin coming over did cheer him up. Since Jimin was his only friend he wanted to talk about going to meet his parents.

Jungkook shared his story about his parents and how seokjin was his step brother.
Jimin didn't have a very good relation with his parents but he knew they loved eachother so much. He still did feel very bad for jungkook.
He wished he could help him in any way possible.
Jungkook was vulnerable and Jimin was there for him.

Jimin offered to drive him and seokjin to train station the next morning.

• • •

It was hoseok's birthday today and the first thing he did in the morning was to visit his parents house.
Hoseok loved his parents, he wanted to start his day meeting his parents spending some time with them.
His parents were just so lovely. They loved hoseok a lot and they supported him in every way possible.
Hoseok was living on his own because  of his college. He made sure to always visit his family every once in a while.

Meanwhile Jimin wakes up early because he had to take jungkook and seokjin to the train station.

He gets ready and leaves the house.
Jungkook and seokjin were ready by the time Jimin reached. They waited outside for Jimin to arrive.

The moment Jimin arrived, he offered help with the bags.
Seokjin was genuinely impressed by jimin's kindness.
He was happy that Jungkook finally had a good friend or whatever it was that they were.

• • •

They reached the train station and seokjin left ahead to buy tickets.
Jungkook was responsible for the bags.
He looked at Jimin before getting out of the car.
- thankyou so much.
- Jungkook-ah. Jimin held his hand. Be fine okay?
Jungkook only nodded. He was a bit off.
- If you need anything, you know I'm here for you. Jimin said caressing the youngers hand with his thumb.
- you don't know how much I appreciate it. Jungkook looked right into jimin's eyes with maximum adoration. Can I hug you please? He asked.
- ofcourse. Jimin leaned closer to him for a hug.

Jungkook really needed it. He felt vulnerable. Jimin knew it. He knew how much jungkook needed him at that moment.

Jungkook had a very strong grip on Jimin and he didn't wanna let go.
His face was sticking too close to his neck. Jimin could feel jungkook's breath on his neck. There was a moment between them when Jimin tried to pull away and they met eyes. Their faces were close enough. Jungkook's eyes slowly moving down to jimin's lips.
He moved his face closer to jimin's, trying to reach his lips.

Jimin felt the heat of the moment but he immediately backed off.

Jungkook blinked a several times, unable to comprehend the situation because he thought Jimin would reciprocate but that wasn't the case.

Jungkook's heart was racing faster than ever, before it was because of the heat between them but now because of the embarrassment.
He was embarrassed. Way too much.
- Jungkook-shii I..I think y..you should leave before its late.
- uh, uhh yeah yeah, fuck, sorry, um. I should leave.
Jungkook takes his bags and leaves from there as soon as possible.

He looked absolutely lost as he walked inside the train station.
He felt all kinds of emotions at the moment. He didn't know what he was actually feeling, pain? anger? frustration? embarrassment? not enough? sad?

"Why, why did I have to do that. Ugh!"
He went towards the platform where he couldn't find seokjin but he still stood there, not understanding anything.

Seokjin called him up and found out that he was standing at the wrong platform.
Jungkook walked to the platform seokjin was waiting on for him.
Due to all this, they had actually missed the train they were supposed to take and now they had to wait till the next one arrived.

Seokjin was frustrated because of it but he could sense something was not fine with jungkook although he didn't know what had happened, he assumed it to be their parents situation and didn't say anything.

• • •

Jimin couldn't stop thinking about that incident. He would have probably let it happen if it was some other situation but today, it was different. Jungkook was vulnerable. Jimin wasn't gonna let him kiss in that state. He had to back off. But was that the only reason?

Jimin received a text from jungkook but he didn't feel like opening it. Although he cared about jungkook's well being but he still didn't feel that comfortable.
Something hit him really hard. He didn't know what that was. It felt like he was betraying someone. It just didn't feel right.

Jimin went home and took some rest before getting ready for hoseok's birthday. He only hoped that he wouldn't think about all that again.

Whereas jungkook still really felt super bad after trying to kiss Jimin. He had sent texts apologizing to Jimin for doing that. He kept the chat open, hoping for Jimin to read it. He thought of calling, he wanted to apologise but that was weird now.

• • •

After a nice rest, jimin who was hoping to be distracted, was actually not so distracted. That thing surfaced again as he checked his phone.

I'm sorry
For my behaviour
I wasn't thinking straight
at that point.

Jimin sighed. He didn't want to think about it again. But yet he was.

It's alright now.
Don't worry about it.
We'll talk about it later
when you're back.
Take care of yourself.

He threw his phone aside. He started packing gift for hoseok. He tried to distract himself by listening to some songs.

I can't wait to upload next chapterss.
I hope you like it so far!

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