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Seokjin was waiting for namjoon to pick him up for their date. They had been out together just the two of them quite a few times now but it was always just casual hanging out together. For some reason seokjin was not ready to call this a date too but jungkook had insisted him to consider going just once, he kinda liked namjoon more than seokjin did. He was happy for seokjin because he knew how hard life has always been for his hyung. For him to find someone like namjoon only made jungkook really happy.

Namjoon arrived in the cab, seokjin got in and they took the same cab to the restaurant they were going to go to.
Namjoon couldn't help but look at seokjin as if he'd never seen someone so beautiful before.
Seokjin radiated comfort. Just his presence felt so comforting, it always reminded him of his mom. Namjoon didn't actually believe how much he deeply felt for this person next to him.

- finally you agreed to go with me. Namjoon said with a small smile.
- I didn't really agree, I was forced by you and jungkook. Seokjin said looking outside the window.
- you know I wouldn't do that right. You definitely wanted to come too! Just accept it. Namjoon said with a smirk.
- namjoon-ah, stop talking nonsense, I could get off right now. He said raising his left eyebrow with a smirk. His ears were turning red but he kept a straight face.

- you could, but you wouldn't. Namjoon softly touched seokjin's fingers before intertwining them.
Seokjin only flustered, ears were red as tomato. He only glared at namjoon.
- you know I love it when you make this face right? and you looking this beautiful only makes it difficult for my poor heart. I'm so glad, all this is for me. Namjoon said biting the inside of his lower lip softly.

Seokjin couldn't really keep that straight face anymore. He looked away, cheeks clearly turning into shade of pink, he let out a small chuckle.
- I hate you. Seokjin said unable to control the smile on his face.
- oh yeah? If that's how you're going to hate me, I'd love that! Namjoon said.

• • •

Yoongi was working late, as usual. He promised Jimin he would come home for dinner but clearly he was going to be late. Jimin had called taehyung over as it had been a while since they spend time together like the besties that they were.
They played cards and talked about random stuff from here and there.
- Jimin-ah, do you wanna get drunk tonight? It's been a while. Taehyung asked suddenly.
- why? what's up with that suddenly? Jimin asked.
- nothing, just..since you're always with yoongi hyung, you have no time left for me. I just missed having you around.
- omg tae, come here. He pulled tae in for a hug. I'm sorrryy, but yes..I missed that too.
I'll have some whiskey, I'll get it. Jimin said getting up from his place.
- Jimin-ah, since when did you start having whiskey at your place. Taehyung asked surprised.
- what do you think? Jimin laughed.
- ahh! Ofcourse Yoongi hyung! How did I miss that. Taehyung laughed too.

After chugging down a few shots they were tipsy. Taehyung had seen Jimin sending selcas to Yoongi many times, so today he suggested on spamming him with their pictures.
Jimin obviously knew Yoongi was busy and he didn't want to bother Yoongi like this but it seemed fun, so they were at it.

 Jimin obviously knew Yoongi was busy and he didn't want to bother Yoongi like this but it seemed fun, so they were at it

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