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The month of December was now coming to an end.
The weather, snowy cold!
Jimin who loves it, stands in the balcony looking at the snow covering up the yard little by little.
He made those cute little noises when the snow falling from above touched his hands. The cold feathery touch he felt, made him the happiest.

- Jimin-ah, get in here you don't wanna fall sick, do you? Come on in.

He heard a voice calling him from inside of the house.
He walked into the house giggling and smiling coz of happines.

- Oh I love this weather so much!!
I'm so happy, it snowed after a long time.

He jumps onto the bed where the other was lying.

- Tae, why don't you like snow? I mean you were literally born this month.
Shouldn't you like it?
- What logic is this? Let's just focus and make a list of people to invite for my birthday.
I really need your help with that.
- oo..okayy let's do it!

They sat in his room, writing down the names of people who were to be invited for tae's birthday which was next week.
Taehyung decided to throw a party for his birthday because it was his first birthday in Seoul.

Jimin was busy making a list whereas Taehyung was searching something in one of his diaries.
He squeals in happiness the moment he finds a piece of paper.
Jimin on the other hand was wondering what it was.

- Hey what's that, that thing in your hand?
Is that a letter? Love letter? Omg? You didn't tell me Tae.
Jimin's tone changing from excited to angry in seconds while he pouts and folds his arms on his chest.

- ahh nooo it's just a letter, it's by yoongi hyung.
Taehyung takes the letter close to his chest and smiles

- Oh. Why does this name sound familiar.
Wait...isn't it the same guy who was your neighbour when you lived in Daegu?
- you're right! That's him.
I am inviting hyung too, I miss him so much.
You know how difficult it was to live without him at first, but then, I met you.
Taehyung looks at Jimin with a boxy smile on his face.
Jimin found him toooo cute and smiled back at him.

- You should invite him, I'm sure he must be missing you too!
- I knowww!
He gave me this letter before I shifted,
I already have read it like a hundred times now, hehe.
His work number is in this letter, can you please try calling him?
I called him yesterday but he wouldn't pick up.
The funny thing is he knew this would happen someday and that's the reason he gave me his work number.
- Looks like he's a very busy person. I will try calling him, wait!

• • •

He ain't picking up the call Tae.

- Hyungg why aree you like thiss
Please pick upp!!
Taehyung whines to himself.

• • •

In the mean time,
Jimin calls others to invite them.
Taehyung who was busy fidgeting with his phone startles when his phone rings suddenly in his hands.
He looks at the screen and smiles. He picks up the call.

- Hyunngg finallyyy!
- Taehyung-ah, so sorry I was super slumped since yesterday.
- Aren't you always busy hyung?
I called you yesterday too!
- I saw your calls very late so I thought you must be sleeping. Anyways what's up? How are you?
- I'm all good hyung but my main reason to call you is to invite you for my birthday.
No excuses okay hyung. You gotta come, I don't care!
- Argh rightt, it's your birthday on 30th
Well, are you really calling me all the way to Seoul?
- Well yes I am! And you're coming!
- ahh you're so stubborn
- Hyung pleaseeee, I miss you hyung
- Alright fine I'll come! How could I miss your birthday right?
- yess! you're the best hyungg.
- that I am! well I'll finish my work now, see you, bye-bye.
- byee hyungieee.

Jimin was looking at tae who was busy talking to yoongi.
He saw how tae was talking to yoongi and couldn't help but smile at their conversation.
As tae kept the call, he asked him curious
- So he's coming right? He better come!
- Ofcourse he is. He has to.
- Okay good
Jimin smiles at taehyung. Although, he was very curious about yoongi so he proceeds to ask a few questions
- So um, what's he like?
- who?
- um he, um you called..
- Yoongi hyung?
- uh yes, him. Like I've heard you talk about him before but you never told me anything about him.
- Well I never thought you'd be interested
Taehyung says that with a smug face.

Alright, so he's veryyy sweeet.
I mean he might seem rude and boring at first but once you get to know him he's super fun to be with.
He raps. Like he's sooo goood at that and he also writes and produces songs. Taehyung was proud talking about yoongi.
- ohhh I see, so um do you have a picture or something?  Jimin was quite interested now.
- hmm i'll have to check, wait a minute

• • •

Here look at these
They're old pictures, he looks like way too gorgeous now!

Here look at theseThey're old pictures, he looks like way too gorgeous now!

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This one is from the time we went to Lotte World.
Ah that was so much fun!

This one is from the time when I went with him for his audition and he forced me to sing tooBtw they selected him right away!- Ahh! he's that good? Jimin wondered

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This one is from the time when I went with him for his audition and he forced me to sing too
Btw they selected him right away!
- Ahh! he's that good? Jimin wondered.
- sooooo goood!

He won his first award from company for being the best producer

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He won his first award from company for being the best producer.
He was soo happy that day!
- that's so cooooool

Jimin looks at the pictures and cannot help but appreciate how adorable yoongi looks in it.

- He's soo cuteeeee!
- yesss heee isss!
Tae looks at jimin who cannot stop smiling at the pictures
- Wait, what's with all the blushing jimin-ah?
- huh? What? I'm..I'm not blushing okay.
It's just these are all too cute. You yourself cannot deny.
- yeah that's true hahaha.

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