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Namjoon had reached the bar. He went inside looking for seokjin.

Seokjin was sitting at the counter he was almost drunk by the time

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Seokjin was sitting at the counter he was almost drunk by the time. He had turned down way to many glasses. At this point even the bartender was worried for him.

He just wasn't in a very good State of mind. Seokjin and Jungkook were step brothers. Back then while giving birth to seokjin his mother had passed away. His father managed to take care of seokjin all alone but after a point it was difficult as he had a job too. His father got married to another woman also because he didn't want seokjin to feel the absence of a mother. As Seokjin grew up, his father had told him about the whole situation and seokjin had accepted it maturely. Even though Jungkook was his step brother he loved him with his whole heart.

Seokjin had received a call from his father. Since then seokjin was very unstable. Mentally, emotionally. He didn't know what had to be done.
He was already bummed about his restaurant. The customers had reduced lately. And now that his father called to give the news he was even more upset.
Their parents were separating.

It was heartbreaking for Seokjin. He didn't know how was he going to tell this to Jungkook. He just wanted to be alone have some peace of mind before he could tell Jungkook.
He didn't even realise he had called Namjoon, he saw him coming closer.

- hey? The fuckk?? Why do you keep following me??
- you called me!
- why would I call you? I don't even know your name nor do I have your number.
- well I'm here now and you're coming home with me.
Namjoon grabs Seokjin's hand to take him home. But Seokjin pulls away.

- why would I go with you. I have my own place to go to. Who are you to order me huH?
- you're too drunk I have to get you out of here before you're wasted.
- firstly I'm not that drunk, i have better capacity and also I didn't ask for your help.
- oh okay. Then I'll just sit here with you.
- why are you like this? I won't talk to you even if you're here.
- fine by me. I'd still sit here.

Namjoon looks around at the people in the bar. He was tempted to have a drink or two but he controlled as Seokjin was already drunk and he had to take him home.
- hey, why don't you drink something? Seokjin asked as he felt obligated.
- nah I'm good.
- don't tell me you're going to drive me home or something.
- should I tell you a secret?

Seokjin looks at him confused but eager to know the secret.
- yes?
- I can't drive. I don't even have a lisence.
Seokjin scoffed as he laughed.
- are you serious? How can you not drive?
- For world peace?
- what do you mean? Seokjin laughs.
- I'm too clumsy and destructive, even when I don't mean too. It just happens.
Namjoon fake cries.

- I know now, I definitely have to stay away from you.
- when were you close even. Namjoon said unamused.
- what do you do for a living? Seokjin changed the subject conveniently.
- I suck dicks honey.
Seokjin almost choked on listening that.

- w..what?
Namjoon starts laughing.
- I'm obviously kidding.
- why are you so weird dude?
Namjoon ignores that and starts playing a song on his phone. He takes his phone closer to Seokjin's ear.
- can you heart it well?
- yeah, but like why are you playing a song all of a sudden. Isn't there enough noise already.
- I make music. Namjoon replied with a small smile on his face.

Seokjin listens to the song more carefully.
- you're Kidding again. It's so good! I really doubt you do this.
- fuck, what do you mean?? Why don't you believe me man. Like for once?
- do you have any proof?
Namjoon removes his ID from the wallet and shows it to Seokjin.
- here check this.

Seokjin squints his eyes to have a clear view.
- Kim Namjoon, is that your name huh. You've been hiding your true identity all this time, but not anymore.
- I always wanted you to find out. He winks.
- Don't, don't do all that please.
Namjoon laughs as Seokjin cringes.
- come lets go home.
- I really don't trust you enough.
- alright I'll get you a cab, you can go by yourself is that okay?
- yes that's better.
- cool let's go.

Namjoon calls for a cab. They wait till the cab arrives.
Seokjin kept talking about random stuff while he stumbled and namjoon made sure he wasn't falling.
As the cab arrived namjoon opened the door to let seokjin in.
- here get in.
Seokjin glares at namjoon for a second before getting in the cab.
- come with me.

Namjoon looks confused.
- what? Do you want me to?
- yes. What if the driver does something to me.
- you don't trust me but.
- I don't. But I don't trust the driver either. Shut up and come now.
- woah woah, you're rude you know?
Seokjin pulls him by his hand such that Namjoon gets in the cab after him.

Namjoon leaned closer to seokjin so he could put on the seatbelt for him.
Seokjin was looking at namjoon who was very close to his face. As he buckled the seatbelt he met eyes with seokjin. There was definitely a moment between them, all they had to do was kiss. Seokjin moved his face closer to namjoon's only to puke all over it.

Namjoon sighs. He pulls away. Grabs the tissues and wiped off the puke from his face and also cleaned Seokjin's face.

Namjoon asked the driver to stop at the nearby restroom. He cleaned himself.
Seokjin had passed out after puking.

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