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Jimin was walking home from college.
He was having a bad day already, he couldn't submit the assignments on time as he absolutely forgot to write them and when he thought he would have some peace, there was hoseok who kept talking about his plans with yoongi when he comes to seoul.

Jimin didn't like listening to it. Not when he had been feeling some kind of way after yoongi complimented him the other day. He probably did like yoongi, even when he was annoying. A little bit for sure.
He thought maybe walking home would help him distract from all the thoughts.

He spotted a puppy on his way. Jimin couldn't resist, he went after it.
Jimin petted the pup, he had wide smile on his face after a really long time, it felt nice. He felt happy. The puppy started running in tiny and jimin ran behind it too.

The puppy ran into a lane, it was too dark and weird, jimin didn't seem to notice that, he just ran after.
The puppy entered a small hole, jimin bent over to look at it. His furrowed eyebrows were immediately relaxed and smiling when he found that there was not one but three of them inside. He squealed on seeing them. He tried to call them out so he could pet them all but they didn't seem like they would.

Suddenly there was a rustling of keys. Jimin heard that, he turned around to look at the commotion. He was now suddenly aware of his surrounding and that scared him. He thought maybe he should just run away before anything scary happens.
But he noticed the pups coming out one by one and running towards a door.

He was ready to run out of there but before he could, the door had opened,
A tall guy standing right in front of him, furrowing his eyebrows, looking at Jimin up and down in confusion.
- Who are you?

Jimin didn't move one bit. He was supposed to be scared instead he was stunned to see the guy, tall and insanely hot.
- Uh I just um came here following this pup. Shit, didn't realise where I am!
- you're in my backyard.
- yeahhh! sorry for that, you know I didn't mean to sneak or anything. Could you please guide me the way back to the street.
- sure. Can you give me a moment, the puppies are hungry, it's time to feed them.
Jimin thought this guy must be rude as hell but no, he was too sweet.

- are they yours? Jimin asked.
- you can say that.
- they're so cute.
- Iknoww. I'm Jungkook by the way.
- oh h..hi. I'm Jimin.
They shake hands with a big smile.

Jungkook feeds the puppies. Turning back to Jimin.
- come let me show you the way out.
- uh yeah
- let's go from the inside of my house, it's dark and the lane to my backyard is creepy.
- uh yeah, ohkay sure.

They enter the back door and first thing jimin can sense is the delicious fried chicken being cooked.
- Wow, it smells so delicious in here.
It's fried chicken, isn't it?
- yeah.
- ah it makes me so hungry. Jimin was salivating just by the aroma of it.
- do you want some?
- huh, no uh I didn't mean that.
- you can have you know.
- oh no it's alright.
- it's not for free. We sell fried chicken. Jungkook chuckled.
- oh. I see.
- yep. I think you should definitely taste some.
- oh um fine.
- let's go get you seated. I'll get you a plate.

They pass through the kitchen as they walk towards the seating area, jimin slightly peeks into the kitchen as they walk by it, another tall guy walking towards him. Jimin thought to himself 'is this some sort of tall peoples club or something', he was quite intimidated.

Jimin looked at the guy confused as he glared at jimin and then back at jungkook.
- Hey, I told you right don't get your dates over in our working hours.
- Ah no hyung it's nothing like that...
- Then who is he?
- our customer.
- coming out from the inside of our house?
- I'll explain everything later. Can we have one plate of chicken for him...?
- sure.

• • •

- omg, Mmmh this is sooo gooood.
- did you like it? Jungkook asked.
- loved it.
- would you like some more?
- sure I guess. Jimin grinned.
So um who's that guy, the one in the kitchen.
- oh that's Seokjin hyung. He's my brother. Actually step brother.
- I see. He seems strict.

- oh he's not. Not at all. He's intimidating, that's true. Maybe that's the reason you think he's strict. He's the sweetest and the funniest.
- ohhkay. Jimin laughs at the description of the elder.
Do you work here all day or do you do anything else too?
- I'm a student. I have college in the morning and then I work here.
- oh I'm a student too. You're from which college?
- I'm from Campion University
- Ohh! They're our competitors. I'm from Hill Spring University.
- ohh, right I'm aware. I heard y'all won the dance competition last week.
- yeah that's right. Jimin smirks.
- I wasn't a part of it you know. Otherwise the win was ours for sure.
- Nice confidence you have. We have more shows. We will see. Jimin says, chewing the chicken in his mouth.
- sure, sure.

Jimin was so satisfied with the chicken. He absolutely loved. He kinda thanked the pup in his mind because that's the reason he could meet this guy who was so sweet and he could eat the delicious chicken ever.

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