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Yoongi had sent him a follow request along with a direct message on Instagram.
Jimin couldn't believe his eyes. He opened the message before accepting the follow request.

Hi Jimin
This is Yoongi
Did you reach home?
Actually Hoseok
isn't receiving my call.
So I thought I'd ask you
coz y'all were together.
I hope everything is alright?
He told me he'll call me at 11pm.
It's been 12.30 am
I hope he's Alright?
12:30 am

Jimin was excited at first, It was Yoongi texting!! but not after reading all the messages. He was again asking for hoseok.
Although he thought he should respond to yoongi. It looked like he was actually worried.

hey hyung
Sorry to reply so late
Hoseok Hyung
must be sleeping rn
he was drunk and tired
Sungwoon left him home
long back
He must have forgotten
to give you a call
Sent 2:22 am

Jimin accepts yoongi's follow request and presses the follow button on yoongi's profile.
Jimin goes onto the profile to stalk him, but all he could see were pictures of random skies, some tangerines, cute cats and mostly his studio where he worked in. Nothing much to actually stalk.
He kept his phone aside and thought about how yoongi actually was not that bad, he cared. He genuinely cared for hoseok.

His phone suddenly buzzed.
It was 2.37 am.
He checked his phone only to see replies from yoongi.

I can understand
he must've been very tired.


Jimin kept looking at the screen, as if he was expecting a reply to his 'yeah'. He waited for seconds before he shut his phone and kept aside.
But the phone screen again lit up due to notification.
Jimin took his phone hurriedly, he had a lopsided smile when he saw yoongi's notification.

Btw, why are you
up so late?

I was out
with my friend
I just got home

Don't you have
college tomorrow?

I do, I do
I'm thinking
I'll skip it tomorrow.


I have this assignment
I haven't started
working on in yet
I need some time
to work on it
I'm supposed to submit it
by next week but
I don't understand
how do I start

What is your assignment?
Do you need my help?

Huh? You would?

Why not?

Aren't you too busy tho?

I wouldn't be here
talking to you at 3 am
if I was busy.

Why are you up
so late anyway?

I'm talking to you jimin?

I'm seriously asking!!

I'm pretty serious too!


I was organising
My work
I didn't realise
until it was late.

Oh okay.

What help will you need?

I'm supposed to
write lyrics which is
quite difficult for me
as I've never done that before.

I can definitely help
With that.
Since you're skipping
college tomorrow?
How about you meet
me at the train station?

Huh? Really?
Why train station tho?

You ask too many
questions Jimin.
Just trust me.
See you at 10?
Don't be late!

Um okay hyung!
Thank you for helping!

Thank me later.
Now you should sleep

aren't you sleeping?

I am

Goodnight hyung!

Jimin did not believe what had just happened.
He just had a conversation with yoongi!!
A proper, normal conversation, where yoongi agreed to help jimin with his assignment!!??
Jimin was too tired to think anything, but he was happy that he could talk to yoongi without being annoyed. He closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep.

• • •

Eight thirty in the morning.
Jimin would never usually wake up early if he was skipping college.
But today he did. Today he woke up early even if he was sleepy. Yoongi had asked to meet him at 10. He didn't wanna be late. He was excited.
He packed everything that he would need and left home.
He had reached station 30 minutes prior. He didn't mind waiting tho!

Since he left in hurry, he had forgotten to eat his breakfast. He could smell some delicious food and decided to eat something till yoongi arrives.
As he was done eating, he slid his hand inside the pocket to take out his phone. He had new messages received from yoongi.

I'm waiting
near the ticket counter
see you there.

He opened the chat and quickly ran towards the ticket counter.
Jimin looks around for yoongi, but is unable to find him.

Hyung I'm here too
I can't find you?

While jimin was busy looking into his phone, yoongi stood right in front of him.
Yoongi let out a low pitched "Hi"
Jimin flinched and looked at him.
- Oh hyung. Hii. Didn't see you there.
- shall we go?
- uh yeah, but where are we going?
- I don't know.
- huh? wha..what doo youu meann?
- Jimin do you see the indicator? It's 10:10 right now. The next train is at 10:15. We're taking that one.
- huh? Busan? Why are we going to Busan?
- isn't that your hometown?
- yeah. wait. How do you know?
- I just know! Can you go buy tickets now?
- uh yeah but how do you...
- yeah we'll discuss that later. Tickets first, go.

- okayy.

Sleepover // YOONMINDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora