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When we got to school Heeseung put his fingers in mine and we both walked to class.

The principal had called out the top students at my school.

"I'll be back okay."He hesitating to take his hand out of mine.

Every girl in my class seemed envious.

I couldn't look them in the eyes by the way they looked at me.

YooA was also a top student that she was never to be seen in class and Hyunjin also was not in class since he's in the top 10 best learners at school.

Jungwon walked to me.

"To bad not being the smartest."He said even though he was good at his studies but not the best.

"At least your better than me,I mean I want to also be the best but maths is always not my best subject."I said.

"What about you tell Heeseung to help you,I mean he's the best out of all when it comes to maths."He said.

"Maybe Yooaa...."I said without thinking but then realized.

"It's okay,your both still friends and whatever I said forget about it."Said Jungwon.

The teacher walked in as we took our seats.

The teacher looked moody today.

"No wonder you will ever be in top 10,your behavior says it all."He said as he put some scripts having our marks for physical science test.

"Damn...I hope I wrote well this time."I thought to myself knowing very well he will wait for the top students to come back to class so he calls out our marks as he hands our papers.

He was busy motivating us that we should study till the top students walked back into their classes.

I looked at Heeseung feeling scared about my results.

The teacher finally began calling out our marks.

Heeseung got 150/150 which was not surprising but still felt shocking.

"Like how does he get that?"Was my question.

Hyunjin also got 150/150 which felt like a competition.

YooA got 139/150 and she looked relieved somehow

Jungwon got 101/150 as this was not his weakest subject.

I was busy listening to the marks till they got to mine.

"Ohh dear this is embarrassing."I thought to myself.

"Y/N you got 89/150...you need to improve and be above 100 even though this is just a practice test."He said as I walked to take my script.

I couldn't look Heeseung in the eyes but I didn't feel like my marks were bad but since I'm dating Heeseung the class made it feel like I should have better marks that match his marks.

When I was walking to my desk.

"Just look at her,I at least got 99 nearly above 100 ."Said one of the girls as they laughed.

Surprisingly Heeseung made it look like he was walking straight at me but changed to look at the three girls as the teacher was out.

"I saw you three."He just said as he glared at them.

"Ohh my word,am I dreaming or is Heeseung talking to us?"Asked one of the three girls.

"Well what makes you to tall to us?"Asked another one of the girls with blond hair.

"You were making fun of my girlfriend and it's so unpleasant when you tease her while I'm watching and you even dare make her sad."He said as the girls seemed puzzled.

"We are not sorry though,she should have at least got 100 when dating you."Said the girl with blond hair.

"Pathetic,to me it doesn't matter even If she gets zero,my liking for her is not based on what she does or gives but I just like her."He said.

"Heeseung Oppa,why can't you also see us the way you see her,I mean we've been schooling here for years and she just came here this year so what's special about her?"Asked the first girl from the three.

"You would never understand,so you better not make me mad."He said to the three of them as they just didn't seem to want to make him mad.

He looked at me as I just pretended to smile.

He then walked out of class.

"I guess he could have gone to the bathroom."I thought to myself but then I saw the three girls still staring at me with anger.

I just looked at Hyunjin who looked back.

"I came to give you your book back."I said putting it next to him.

"I wanted you to...arh never mind."He said as he looked bothered.

"How do you even get 150/150?"I asked.

"I study hard of cause since I got nothing better to do."He said.

"Wow does he always respond to me like this nowadays?I questioned myself.

Just then I hold his hand as he got startled and gave me a shocked look.

"Ahh sorry,I was just checking if your mind is here or not."I said pouting.

"Don't you forget about my sister's birthday and make sure you dress up well okay."He said as he got up and left me still thinking about what outfit I'll be wearing.

"What about I just go shopping today."I thought to myself with a smile but when I saw Jungwon It reminded me that Heeseung shouldn't find out about Hyunjin's invitation.

"Where are the teachers today?"I questioned myself but I guess it was self study and they were all busy♡

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