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When I got up Hyunjin seemed awake but it wasn't the time to look at his cute face.

I asked the teacher to go to the bathroom and walked out.

This school always felt quiet and had such a huge space that I felt the bathroom was far away every time I needed to go.

"I just hope there is no one in the bathroom this time especially IU."I thought to myself when I entered the bathroom.

Gladly no one was in the bathroom this time and I entered.

While I was flushing the toilet I felt some lock sound of the bathroom I was in.

I tried to open the door of the bathroom but sadly and to my expectation the door was locked.

"What the...hey who locked the door?"I asked but no one answered.

In a minute I could hear this girl talking.

"Uhm...why is that bathroom locked?"Asked this other girl.

"Hey Don't even ask,I locked it for a reason okay and if you say a word to anyone you will surely regret messing with IU."Said this other familiar voice.

"That surely sound like Winter."I thought to myself.

"Hey open this door!"I shouted.

The girl who was with the girl I suspected to be Winter ran out.

"Winter I know it's you,just open the door."I said in a calm tone.

"Whatever Y/N,IU will be happy to hear I did something to her liking and either way enjoy spending the night."She said while laughing it out.

"Winter please,why are you doing this?"I asked but it seemed Winter already left.

I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

I just gave up and sat down while facing the wall.

"This should be the worst day ever I guess,but wait a minute...since they will all notice I've been missing for hours then they might come and save me."I thought with a smile and relief.

I waited till break time.

Some girls came into the bathroom.

"This is my opportunity,they might unlock the door."I thought to myself.

"Ohh my word,have you heard,did you see Heeseung's girl...I mean she is so cheap how can she spent the night at his house and now she didn't come back to class."Said this other girl.

"She's so cheap,who knows what she's hiding."Said the second girl as I listened.

"Ohh word this could be Winter and IU spreading all this kind of stupid rumors about me."I thought to myself.

But I still had to get out of here.

"Can someone get me out of here!"I shouted as the two girls seemed quiet.

"And whose that?"Asked the first girl.

"It's me Heeseung's girl,please get me out of here."I said.

"Ohh word,can't believe she was listening to us gossip about her."Said the second girl.

"Forget about that,just unlock this door."I said.

"Well we will go and get help for you."Said the first girl.

But then someone entered.

"Don't even think about doing anything girls."Said this familiar voice.

"Ohh word,that sounds like IU."I thought to myself.

"But why are you doing this to her IU,are you jealous she spent some time with your dream guy?"Asked one of the girls.

I could feel a slap sound when the girls ran out.

I just kept quiet knowing very well they won't open the door for me.

"This should be some worst Highschool bullying ever."I thought to myself as I sat down.

"Well I warned you to stay away from Heeseung Y/N but you didn't listen,now you will suffer."She said as they both laughed while walking out.

I felt so down while facing the floor.

"Seems I'm stuck here."I thought to myself.

Time went by when all I could hear was the bell for other lessons.

I felt so bored and no one entered the bathroom as if IU told the girls to not enter.

I felt so bored and just didn't have the courage to ask for help.

"Maybe they will come for me,they can't just leave and go home without me."I thought while smiling to myself trying to hold the tears back.

While spending the time thinking too much I just missed my old life and school.

"I came all the way here expecting to focus on school and be close to my friend but it seems that's not the case."I thought.

I felt sleepy and just put my head on my knees while I rest.

The school out bell rang which woke me up.

I got up to try and shout.

"Someone get me out of here!"I shouted while hitting the door.

But it seems no one could hear me.

"Ohh no,am I really going to spent the night here."I could sense the fear inside of me.

Tears began falling from my face when I was out of ideas.

I just stood and thought of everyone going home and leaving me all alone here.

Just as I had that thought I felt the door of the bathroom open.

"Y/N are you in here?"Asked a familiar voice.

"Heeseung?"I thought while surprised and relieved he came for me.

He looked around to see no one.

"I'm in here and it's locked,go and get the keys."I said.

He didn't leave but began breaking down the door.♡

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