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I wondered what they will be watching since from what I know is that my dad likes to watch documentary shows and even matches.

"Mom what are they actually going to watch?"I asked.

"You know your father likes watching soccer matches so I think his favorite group is playing."She said.

"Does Heeseung like watching those,I have never actually seen the Enhypen boys watching TV anyways."I thought to myself.

"Well I will take this cupcakes to the boys."She said.

She was about to carry the plate when...

"Mom!"Shouted Kevin from his room.

"What dear?"Asked my mom to him.

"I can't find my book and it's very important since your the one who knows where it is."He said.

"Okay Y/N you can now take this to Heeseung and your father."She said as she quickly walked upstairs.

"Why me?"I asked myself but since I was curious what they were watching I decided to go.

I entered while peeping as I saw the both of them laughing while talking and they didn't even notice me.

"I hope she didn't give you a hard time,she might be very clumsy."Said my father.

"She sure is very clumsy."Said Heeseung.

He had a smile on his face but soon as he turned to look at me he bit his lips and looked away.

"Anyways here are some snacks my mom said I should bring,enjoy."I said.

"Well Heeseung here told me a lot that recently happened at school,I hear he takes care of you and you follow him everywhere he goes."Said my father as I glared at Heeseung.

Heeseung gulped as he avoided any eye contact with me.

"Well that's not true,he's the last boy in Mrs Lee's place I'll go to."I said.

"I would have loved to meet the other boys as well."Said my Father.

"Their more nicer and you will love being around them."I said as Heeseung gave me a side eye.

"This liar,he thought I'll praise him."I thought as I smiled at him so he can be annoyed.

"I really love it here."Said Heeseung.

What I realized is that when he's talking to my parents he gives them a good image about himself and try to look as innocent as possible.

"Okay I'll leave you guys alone now."I said after looking through my phone.

I immediately walked upstairs to my room to check something.

It was a message from YooA.

"I never thought she would say something to me,does she even know I know that she likes Heeseung."I questioned myself.

On the message she mentioned she will talk to me tomorrow face to face.

"So this means she will be coming here."I thought to myself as I decided to check up on Hyunjin who seemed to be off.

I just sat on my bed and it was just a long night.

Tomorrow morning...♡

When I woke up I decided to take a bath quickly.

Outfit for today♡

I forgot how rainy it gets in my home Town.

I just walked to the kitchen as I made myself some noodles.

I sat down and began to eat.

While eating I noticed this tall guy standing next to me.

"I just knew I'll see you here."I said.

"Give me a bite as well."He said as I side eyed him.

"Get away,you can make for yourself."I said.

"Wow...okay you will regret not sharing."He said as he just stood.

"Uhm...let me first eat then I'll make yours."I said.

"No let me eat those,I'm feeling so hungry."He said as he began seating next to me.

"But this won't be enough for two."I said as I didn't know what to do.

"Why not give me this and make new ones for yourself."He said as he took my bowl.

"Hey!...what..."He began to eat as I just glared.

"So annoying."I said as I just decided to make some sausage with toasted bread.

"This noodles taste so good."He said as he gave me a thumbs-up.

Just then I noticed something.

"Is it just the two of us?"I asked.

"Yeah...are you going somewhere?"He asked as I bit my lips.

"Well I'll be meeting up with my friend so you better not follow me."I said.

"It's not like you casted a spell on me or anything,why would I follow you."He looked the other way.

"You know what,I don't like this hair colour of yours."I said as he seemed nonplussed.

When I got to my room I checked myself on the mirror.

"I hope YooA has so much to explain,I've been friends with her since childhood and I know she won't do anything bad to me."I said to myself as I finally walked out.

"I'll take care of the house."Said Heeseung.

"Yeah man of the house."I said as I exited.

I decided to use the bus since YooA send me the location of this coffee shop.

"She still loves coffee I guess."I said as I wasn't that far.

When I got there she seemed to be waiting outside.

When I got there she seemed to be waiting outside

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I immediately ran to her.

"Well I hope you didn't wait for long."I said as she changed her poker face to a smile.

"Don't worry,let's just go in...we have a lot to talk about."She said as we both walked into the coffee shop.

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