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While walking I kept thinking too much.

"Time can be so slow,if it was fast I can be able to see Hyunjin Oppa."I smiled to myself busy kicking this stone on the ground.

I wanted to think about Hyunjin but somehow Heeseung also came into my mind thinking about the things he has ever done for me.

As I looked at the way I noticed Heeseung's car.

"Ohh come on."I began to run as I hid behind a tree.

He was driving slowly.

"He will seem like a stalker though,does he always have to follow me around."I mumbled to myself.

But then he passed since he couldn't see me.

I checked my phone and there seemed to be some show ground.

"Why not go?...it's cheap."I thought to myself as I decided to just walk and take a taxi.

"I've always wanted to go to this shows,now it's my opportunity."I Smiled to myself knowing very well I left with some money to make sure.

But I felt bad the fact that I was avoiding Heeseung and that he's leaving tomorrow.

"Should I just tell him where I am?"I questioned myself.

I shook my head as I continued walking.

I took a taxi as my legs kinda hurt from all the long distance.

I got out and surprisingly....

It was getting filled as everyone seemed to have known about this.

"Wow,it looks so fun."I said excited and hurrying to get inside.

I paid with the money I had to buy tickets and left some for the taxi to go back.

"My mom will kill me if she finds out I left Kevin and didn't take him here."I thought to myself.

The first thing I did was buy cotton candy since it was my favorite.

I began walking with hands in my pocket.

Just as my phone rang again I saw it was Heeseung and hanged up.

"What does he want from me?"I questioned myself feeling annoyed.

I decided to put it on silent mode.

I played a lot of games that I kept enjoying myself and kept on winning.

"Wow I'm sure gonna get you teddy bear."I said smiling at This huge teddy bear I layed my eyes on.

I was done playing this other game and accidentally bumped my shoulder against this man's chest who was around my father's age.

"My apologies."I apologized but for some  weird feeling he gave me this creepy smile.

I just avoided him and began to walk as I looked behind and he was still staring at me.

"What's wrong with old people this days?"I questioned myself feeling creeped out.

I just went to get on this spinning horse and it was so fun.

The funny part was that I was the only teenager on the horse while young children just looked at me with surprise.

"Don't mind me,I always wanted to try this...but never got a chance."I smiled as the children's reaction did not change.

I then bought some sausage stick and began eating.

"I just love the show ground."I said with a smile as I saw a clown show getting ready to start.

"Ahh I hate clowns."I said as the clown was staring at me.

I decided to pass immediately because I was afraid I'll get nightmares.

I then got on this boat despite the fact that I will just end up getting wet but I just wanted to have some fun.

I then took a seat for a moment and watched other people have fun.

I decided to open my phone as I saw Heeseung's warning message of him telling me to better tell him where I am.

"Ohh word he's so annoying,he's so obsessed with me isn't he?"I questioned myself while blushing.

The man that I bumped earlier passed me while trying to act like he wasn't looking.

"Why does this man keep looking at me?"I felt kinda uncomfortable.

I decided to move and go seat somewhere else for an hour.

It just didn't feel right so I told Heeseung my location and took some pictures to tease him that I'm somewhere fun while he's bored at home.

He gave me an angry emoji but I just laughed it out.

"Before it gets late I should just go back home."I said to myself.

When I got up I checked my pocket.

"Damn...."I stood in one place when I noticed that my money had suddenly disappeared.

I looked on the ground and there was none.

I thought of looking around every place I went and I couldn't find the money.

"I can't walk all the way home,it's going to be late...I need the money for the taxi."I thought as I pouted.

It was really getting late.

I smiled when I thought that Heeseung will come no matter what.

"Are you looking for something?"Asked the man.

I turned to look at him.

"Uhm...no thank you."I said as I saw it was the same man.

"Actually I know you might think I'm a stalker or something but actually I saw your money falling earlier and I wanted to give you back your money."He said.

"My money...fell?"I looked at him confused.

"Yes...and I will surely be happy to give you your money back."He said with a smile while searching his pocket.

The fact that a lot of people were not at our side kinda made me just glare at him.

"Here is your money."He said with the innocent smile but the money he was handing out was too much as I kept glaring at him.♡

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