"I like the sound of that. Devil." Damien said as he brought a hand up to his chin. Soul scoffed and rolled her eyes. Damien turned to Orion and he stiffened. "Go see my dad, he has another job for you." Damien turned back to his sister for a moment before turning back to Orion because he hadn't moved. "Is there a problem?" Damien growled at Orion, causing him to tense and shake his head quickly before Orion left the room swiftly.

"You know you'll never be able to kill Danny right? He killed your ass once and he'll do it again." Soul said coldly to her brother. He laughed darkly in response.

"I'm fully aware of what happened, Soul. However, I have a plan that should prove to be... inspired." Damien grinned manically, sending a chill down Soul's spine.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Soul tried to hide her concern but it wasn't working that well.

"Guess you'll just have to find out when it happens. Don't worry, it's already been set in motion." Damien grinned again before he walked away and left the room. Soul gritted her teeth and slammed her fist against the plexiglass once as she grunted in anger.

What the hell is he planning?


Danny and Nate stood in the Chairman's office, they had both been called in for an unknown reason. "Now boys, I don't normally do this, but due to the circumstances...I would rather be safe than sorry." Elizabeth reached under the desk and revealed two knives, they were long and pin straight. "Each of you get one. Since both of your gifts aren't exactly combat oriented, you both need some form of protection. Also..." She then placed two handguns in belt holsters on the desk in front of them, both of their eyes widened. "These are for emergencies only, understand?"

"Yes ma'am." Danny said politely before he took one of the handguns and fastened the holster to his pants. Nate nodded and did the same.

"Both of you have shown incredible bravery and protected my daughter from harm. I ask that you continue to do so, even though she thinks she doesn't need it. Everyone needs someone to watch their backs." Elizabeth sounded sincere as she spoke to them. The boys nodded before they wordlessly left the room.

"Danny." Nate said quietly once they were out of earshot of the Chairman. Danny stopped walking and looked at him. "You still want to go after Soul, don't you?"

"It doesn't matter what I want." Danny responded as he put a hand in his pocket. "What matters is that the Chairman has told us that we can't do anything. Frankly, we wouldn't be much help to Soul if we get kicked out of here."

"I guess...but it seems like people are forgetting the biggest problem here." Nate said, Danny looked at him with a confused look. "Soul knows where this place is, Soul knows a lot about this place and its operations as well. Do you think that Soul will be able to keep her lips zipped? Even under torture?"

Danny's eyes widened. "I didn't...think of that." Danny said quietly, his mind already racing. He remembered what it was like to be brutally tortured by the Erebus Mafia, he would do anything to spare Soul of that pain.

"Sorry, man. I didn't mean to bring that memory back." Nate looked down, radiating embarrassment for a few moments as they stood in silence. "You wanna go and get some target practice with these things?" Nate asked in a desperate attempt to break the silence.

Danny nodded and began to walk alongside Nate towards the cafeteria to get some cans for target practice. As they were walking down the hall, Nate felt a buzz on his hip. He looked at his phone and saw a text message from Nyx.

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