"- That 'shit' is the reason I'm in a hospital bed," I argued- my side ached. "that 'shit' almost killed Roselyn! I'll get involved in whatever the fuck I need to, Simon."

Simon clicked his tongue, "It's done and over with, Dominic."

I scoffed, "Did Roselyn not tell you?"

Simon didn't reply.

"Ohhh so she did... so you think I'm an idiot? You can't lie your way into a new fucking narrative- goddamn you piss me off.." I groaned and rubbed my forehead with my fingers.

Simon took off his shades and leamed back in the recliner- his head tilted towards the ceiling as his eyes fell shut.

"I try to live my life with no regrets, kid," He began with a huff. ".. so I rarely ever say sorry to anyone. But damn- ya fuck my head up sometimes, Dominic, 'cause I know I fucked ya up."

"Don't give yourself so much credit.." I mumbled sarcastically.

"Won't ya take me fuckin' seriously? Just once, kid. In all my 32 years in this world I came'ta notice that ya can really see the difference when someone loses the light in their eyes- that innocence. And let me tell ya.. ya didn't loose that shit the night ya got arrested- I could tell it was gone the first time your bullet ever hit a man. So I'm.. sorry- for that."

I pursed my lips together.
Simon Parker never said sorry- at least for as long as I've known him.
"I would've been miserable even if I never did that shit.. I would've been rich, but without a doubt miserable." I admitted.

"So you're miserable?"

I chuckled lightly, "Fortunately for you, I'm not."

Simon's eyes shot open and he looked over at me. "So ya must really hate me if you're not miserable."

"You piss me off- there's a difference." I pointed out.

Simon snickered, "Mm.. it's Roselyn, huh?"

My eyes widened before I asked, "What makes you think that?"

"I mean... why else would ya not be miserable."

I only ever had one friend and to me that was Kirsten.
Simon wasn't reliable enough to be my friend, and I doubt he views me as such because being Simon Parker's friend was a rarity.
I talk shit on top of shit about the guy, but he's the only person I turn to when shit hits the fan. Even Roselyn knew that.

"I have feelings for her- Roselyn." I told him quickly in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

My focus stayed on the thin hospital blankets, while I messed with my wrist band. It was silent until the familiar giggle of Simon began to flow into the room and that giggle turned to a chuckle and that chuckle turned to a fit of laughter.

"It ya that long," He almost choked on his laughter. ".. h- holy shit! Obviously ya do.. oh my god! I'm okay- whoo.. I'm sorry J just.. you're ridiculous man. Both of ya." Simon snickered.

I rolled my eyes before I raised my brow. "Both of us?" I questioned.

Simon composed himself and asked,"Ya don't think Rosie wants ya too?"

I chuckled, "Why would she want me? I'm just her bodyguard-"

"- Ya two don't hide very well that you're fuckin'.."

"Where'd you," I muttered. "..come up with that?"

"The hickeys that I've seen on the both of ya," He added. "Also the day I came by all ya two did was eye fuck each other- especially ya."

𝙰𝙿𝙷𝚁𝙾𝙳𝙸𝚃𝙴'𝚂 𝙱𝙾𝙳𝚈𝙶𝚄𝙰𝚁𝙳Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora