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Day One of Hell


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"I should've took the damn subway!"

I honked my horn as I gripped the steering wheel tight.

Fucking fuck.

The car Simon leant me was a older model of a BMW, if this was older then I can't imagine what new ones look like. But I hated New York traffic, the subway would've been better.
Being late on my first day isn't a good look so I couldn't let that happen. If this was my car I'd just park on the side of the road and just walk to the station.

My hangover was killing me even with the Tylenol I took, I shouldn't have stayed out drinking until 11PM 'cause I woke up around 4AM to get ready for work. But I guess if I wanted to make it to Miss Roselyn's a little earlier I should've woke up around 3ish.

I turned on the radio to try to drown out the negative thoughts flooding my head. I could see the building that her condo was in from here, about a thirty minute walk if I was speedwalking. Running maybe fifteen but that would make me sweat so that's a no.

I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair, trying to think. I could figure this out. It was 4:40AM so I had...fifty minutes to get there- damn, it just hit 4:41AM so forty-nine minutes and counting. I chewed on my bottom lip as I tried to come up with a plan that didn't involve me leaving Simon's expensive car on the side of the road (most likely in a timed parking area), running, or taking the subway.

My eyes fell on a side street about four cars ahead of me.
I used to skateboard down that street and if it didn't become a dead end by now then it was a back way ticket to Miss Roselyn's condo. I could guess twenty minutes by car since back when I would skateboard making it to the area with her condo would be around forty.

A loud honk filled my ear and I glared into my review mirror. The fuck were they honking at? I looked back forward and that's when I saw the traffic had begun to let up. I hit the gass and waited to creep up on the street. I caught a glimpse of it and the street definitely wasn't a dead end.
I flicked on my blinker and the moment I had a chance I turned.

A sigh of relief left me as I cruised down the traffic free street, street lamps lit up the area. A teenage girl skateboarded along the curb while a teenage boy rollerbladed next to her on the sidewalk.

Some shit did say the same after all.

The humid air pooled into my car from my slightly rolled down window. I get what Simon meant about the smell New York had but it made feel nostalgic, never thought I'd ever miss that smell.

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