"Rhys? Oh, you guys would be cute together." Nyx replied with a smile. "You should go for it! A party setting, finally feeling normal for the first time in forever, there's no way it won't happen." Nyx felt her phone vibrate and she looked at the screen.

Nate: yes I did, where are you? I haven't seen you all day.

Nyx smiled before typing her response.

Nyx: I'm in my room with Nerissa, gather the others and come here. I have something to ask everyone.

Nyx set her phone on the bed before getting up and opening her dresser drawer.

"What're you doing?" Nerissa asked as she tilted her head.

"Well, I'm going to this party no matter who comes with me. I need some fun in my life, so I might as well figure out what I'm going to wear. Oh, hell yeah it looks like my mom brought all of my clothes here from home!" Nyx suddenly sounded excited as she shuffled through clothes in her dresser drawer.

"Oh, hey can I borrow some clothes? I don't really have much in my room." Nerissa asked as she stood up and peeked into Nyx's drawer.

"Of course! I'm pretty sure we're the same size, or close to it at least." Nyx responded as she walked away from the dresser and went to her closet. She opened the door and slid a few of her dresses and delicate shirts down the bar, before stopping on her favorite dress. "Oh, yeah this is it." She grabbed the dress and held it out for Nerissa to see.

Nerissa looked at the dress and gasped as her jaw dropped. It was a knee length black dress that was skin tight on the top until it flowed out from the waist. The skin tight and flowy part was separated by a built in belt-like strap that went all the way around and had a sideways crescent moon on the front. It also had a built-in harness-like accessory that reached up from the belt to a choker that sat comfortably around the wearer's neck. "Oh that is definitely the dress. Shit, how am I gunna top that?" Nerissa said the second part quietly as she turned around and searched more in Nyx's dresser.

Nyx chuckled, "I'm not sure I have anything that can top this if I'm honest. I'm gunna go change, I'll be right back." Nyx said before she went into her bathroom and closed the door before a soft click could be heard. Nerissa continued searching the dresser drawers when there was a knock at the door. "Can you get that? It's probably Soul and the guys!" Nerissa could hear Nyx shouting from the bathroom. Nerissa snickered before she walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey, Neri. Where's Nyx?" Nate asked as he and the rest of their friends entered the room.

"She's changing in the bathroom. Apparently Oliver invited all of us to a party tonight to apologize for what happened with Nyx." Nerissa raised her eyebrows, she was still skeptical of him.

"A party, huh?" Rhys piped up as he sat on Nyx's bed. "I honestly wouldn't mind some fun."

Nate looked at him, the gears still turning in his mind. "What about you, Danny?"

"Well." Danny said as he leaned against the dresser and pushed up his new glasses. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind some fun either. It would be a good way to meet some of the other students as well." He shrugged but spoke with a slightly uninterested tone, he still didn't really like Oliver either.

"I probably won't go." Soul piped up as she sat in Nyx's desk chair. "Parties aren't really my thing." She was telling the truth of course, just not the entire truth.

Nate hesitated for a moment, "Well, if Nyx is going then I probably should too. At the very least to keep that jerk away from her." Nate grumbled as he crossed his arms.

"Awe, is someone a little jealous?" Nerissa teased him.

"Jealous?" Nate laughed once, "Jealousy implies that he has a chance with her."

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