"I'm gunna put her to bed, then probably go to bed myself....I'm over tonight." Rhys said casually as he climbed higher up the stairs.

"Actually..." Nerissa piped up and all eyes landed on her. "If you all would meet me in the bathroom, I'll heal your wounds. Nate, you can put Nyx to bed since she isn't physically injured...she needs rest." Nerissa said solemnly before she released Danny's hand for the first time since exiting the van and headed upstairs. The group looked at each other before beginning to move upstairs, one after the other.

Nate entered Nyx's room with her cradled in his arms, his favorite place for her to be. He gently placed her down on her bed before he moved down to her feet and removed her shoes so she would be more comfortable. He gently placed the shoes on the ground before he pulled up the covers up to her chin so she wouldn't get cold. Nate then stopped and looked at her for a moment, his heart beginning to hurt.

I'm such a chicken shit. He thought to himself and he clutched his fists. I just froze up...and Gabriel almost made her kill all of us...what would've happened to her then? Nate sighed as he closed his eyes and breathed for a moment before he turned around to go to the bathroom to get healed up.

When he entered the bathroom, Rhys was already finished up and gone, he assumed he went to bed already. Nate watched as Nerissa brought a glowing ball of water into Danny's chest. It soaked through his shirt and into his skin as Danny sighed in relief, his wounds closing and fading away.

"Thank you, Neri." Danny said quietly with a small smile. Nerissa only responded with a weak smile and a nod. Danny stood up and turned around to see Nate standing in the doorway.

Nate smirked at him faintly before bringing up his hand and patting his shoulder twice. "Thanks for coming back safely." He said before Danny nodded with a faint smile before he walked past him.

Danny was exhausted as he walked slowly down the hall with his hand on his head. He had almost died in that fight, he was expecting to die in that fight. He cursed under his breath when he thought about how it would affect Nerissa. His last words to her would've been look away. Not exactly profound...

Danny's body told him to stop when he came to Nyx's door. The door itself was slightly ajar and he could see her, sleeping soundly in her bed. He peeked down the hall towards the bathroom before he slowly opened the door and walked inside. He just wanted to check on her fever again. He walked up to her bedside and placed the back of his hand on her forehead. It was still warm, not any worse or better than before. He took a deep breath as his gaze softened on her face. Danny lifted his hand off of her forehead before he clutched it into a fist next to his own head, expressing his frustration with himself.

God dammit...why are these feelings not going away? Danny dropped his hand as he leaned his head back with a deep sigh. He suddenly heard movement at the door and looked to see Nate standing there with a washcloth in his hand.

"Hey...what're you doing here?" Nate asked in a whisper as he walked past him and placed the washcloth on Nyx's forehead.

"I just came to check on her fever again, it hasn't gotten any better but it also hasn't gotten any worse." Danny whispered in response as he rubbed the back of his own neck. "Where's Neri?"

"She went to bed. I assume she is pretty exhausted." Nate responded as he lifted Nyx's desk chair off the ground slightly and moved it next to her bed, making as little noise as possible. He didn't sit down though. "Danny, I need to ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me." Danny's heart fluttered slightly with anxiety. There was an infinite number of things that Nate could ask him, but Danny feared the worst.

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