35: ...To Become the Hero

Start from the beginning

Another vision. A large tendril crushing his head.

Danny ducked as the tendril crashed into the wall above him, he rolled out from under it to avoid the debris, the momentum carrying him back to his feet. He could tell that Kuroi was starting to get frustrated.

"DANNY, LOOK OUT!" Nerissa screamed before Danny was struck on the side of his head by a blunt shadow. He was sent to the ground with his hand on his head, already feeling the blood trickling down.

"Seems that I must use some non-lethal attacks in order to wear you down." Kuroi growled as he took a few steps towards him. Danny growled as he stood up, his head throbbing from the impact. Dammit, he figured it out. Danny thought to himself before he remembered what had given him the upper hand against Damien in the arena. Danny whipped his hand forward and threw the blade at Kuroi with insane speed, aiming right for his face. Instead of the blade being parried like Damien did, it was caught by a shadow, stopping dead in its tracks an inch away from Kuroi's face. He didn't even flinch. Danny's eyes widened as he was stuck in shock.

"You're in over your head, boy." Kuroi growled before another tendril shot forward and wrapped around Danny's throat. He was lifted off the ground as the tendril squeezed his throat, limiting his breathing. Danny clutched the tendril to try and pry it off, but it wasn't working.

"Danny, no! Stop!" Nerissa screamed and pleaded for this to stop as she slammed her fists against the glass. Kuroi thrust his hand forward and the tendril slammed Danny against the plexiglass cell and held him in place. He grunted in pain as he squinted his eyes slightly, struggling to breathe.

"You need to learn that your actions have consequences." Kuroi growled as he turned the tendril that had caught the knife. He pointed the knife right at Danny before another vision crashed into his senses. He watched the knife stab right into his own heart, deep enough that the hilt was touching his chest. Danny was brought back to reality with a look of fear in his eyes, Nerissa had the same gaze as she backed away from the wall. She couldn't even fathom that this was real. Kuroi flicked the knife at Danny at impossible speed, Danny clutched his eyes shut and braced for the pain that he knew would only last for a moment...


Danny's eyes flicked open when he heard the loud crash of window shattering, Danny, Nerissa, and Kuroi all watched with surprise as Rhys burst through a window in between Danny and Kuroi. Rhys caught the knife in his mouth as he soared through the air before spinning his body and using his claws to slash the tendril that was holding Danny. He dropped quickly with a deep gasp as he could finally breathe fully, he landed on his feet before he dropped to one knee, coughing and clutching his throat.

"Danny, are you okay?" Nerissa kneeled down behind him on the other side of the glass, overjoyed that Rhys showed up when he did.

"Yeah..." Danny said through his deep breaths and raising his head to stare down Kuroi. "I'm okay."

Rhys stood up straight as he took the dagger out of his mouth, growling with each breath. "You're FUCKED now." He growled out before his pupils shrank into slits and he threw the knife behind him. Danny stood up swiftly and caught the blade before rushing forward towards Kuroi. Rhys sprinted forward with his claws bared before he reared back to send a wild slash at Kage at the same time Danny was rushing him. Kuroi lifted both of his hands high into the air and a tornado of shadows surrounded him. Danny halted, knowing that he would be ripped to shreds if he touched that. Rhys kept advancing, losing all concern for himself as he slashed his claws through the tornado. It broke the flow of the shadows and caused a small hole where Rhys could see Kuroi. He reached in and grabbed Kuroi by the collar of his shirt before yanking him out. Kuroi gritted his teeth in anger and shock as Rhys turned his body and threw Kuroi towards Danny. Kuroi grunted when he hit the ground before he shifted to be sitting on the ground. Danny was already behind him and grabbed his hair, pulling his head back as he placed the knife against Kage's throat.

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