Gabriel chuckled softly, "Nathan's ability was passed down from me, and yes, I know he's gifted. However, I am far stronger than he could hope to be...right now at least. You've given me the info I need, so buenas tardes, Miss Silvius." Gabriel bowed his head gently before he walked away with his hands in his pockets. Nerissa looked in horror as he walked away, Kuroi hadn't looked away from her since he entered the room.

"Why did he ask me that? Why does he care?" Nerissa looked at Kuroi with a mixture of hate and fear in her eyes. Kuroi smiled softly before he wordlessly turned around and began to walk out of the room. Nerissa got up quickly and slammed her closed fists against the plexiglass. "Hey! Why did he ask me that?!" Nerissa shouted after him, but he ignored her and left the room. Nerissa stepped back a few steps as her breath started hitching. "Why did he ask me that?" Nerissa whispered to herself as she sat down on the bed and stared off into space. She started to take deep breaths to calm herself.

Is he gunna do something to Nyx?


"I swear, I'm gunna KILL HIM." Rhys yelled out angrily in Mary's van as Nate drove down the highway, bound for the Erebus Estate.

"Not if I kill him first." Danny chimed in calmly as he placed his hand on Damien's dagger, which was sitting on his lap.

"Danny..." Nyx spoke up from the passenger seat, Danny lifted his head to look at her as she turned around in her seat. "Are you really sure you want to do this? You know he's just going to kill you if you let your guard down." Nyx sounded slightly concerned.

"I guess I just won't let my guard down then." He replied to her with a small smile. "Besides, there's something that you guys don't know." Danny spoke a little louder so everyone in the van could hear it clearly. "When Damien was torturing me, he told me a rather shocking piece of information. He told me I was adopted, that my loving parents who fought so hard for me, weren't even my real parents. He also told me that...Nerissa is my little sister."

"Woah, seriously?" Nate asked from the driver's seat, glancing through the rearview mirror. Danny met his eyes through the rearview mirror with a harsh gaze, he wasn't kidding.

"Yes. So, I'm not sure what to expect when we get there, but I will get Nerissa out of there." Danny sounded serious and slightly somber.

"We aren't going to let you kill yourself just to get her out." Danny turned his head to look at Soul, she was looking at him with an equally harsh gaze. "We are ALL getting out of there. One way or another." Danny turned his head back to face in front of him, his hand slightly gripping around Damien's dagger. He knew that sacrificing himself would never be fully off the table, he would have to get creative in order to ensure everyone's safety. Including his own.


Nerissa sat on the bed in her cell, hands trembling. Being kept in silence like this was starting to affect her mind. She was afraid. Afraid of what would happen to Danny. Afraid of what would happen to Nyx. Her head jolted up when she heard the sound of someone entering the staircase again. She watched the doorway with a stern gaze, determined not to show her fear.

Kuroi entered the room slowly before he looked at her with a tired gaze. Then again, he always looked tired, likely from a lifetime of fighting and stress. "Good evening." He said coldly, Nerissa didn't respond as she glared at him with hate in her eyes. "You know, it's rude to not answer someone when they speak to you." Kuroi said quietly as he stepped closer.

"Well, that's good because you don't deserve kindness." Nerissa snapped back at him with a bit of a casual tone. Kuroi's eyes narrowed slightly as he glared at her with his lip slightly curling in anger, causing Nerissa to tense slightly.

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