"Help...Nerissa..." Danny's voice was quiet and weak. Nerissa's eyes opened slightly when she heard Danny's voice and her head whipped to look at him.

"No, Danny, you are in way worse shape than me, I'll be fine. I can heal myself when we get back to the lake." Nerissa said to him and she gripped his shoulder. Her heart was warmed by the fact that Danny wanted her to get help first, but he needed attention now. Danny groaned as he stretched his neck, too exhausted and sore to argue with her. His eyes closed and he leaned his head back against the headrest.

"Danny?" Rhys said his name with slight concern.

"I'm just resting my eyes, Rhys." Danny said with a weak assertive tone.

"Just checkin'." Rhys whispered as he continued to tape gauze onto his wounds.

Are you okay?

Nyx heard Nate's voice in her mind. She glanced over at him before thinking about her response. I'm fine, Why do you ask?

You have that look in your eye. I've seen that look before. Nate sounded somber. Like he was about to say something she didn't want to hear. I remember that look from our first night at my uncle's place.

There it is. Nate, I'm fine. At least, I will be. Nyx was partly telling the truth, just not the entire truth. The entire truth was more complicated.

Nyx, you can tell me anything, you know? Nate sounded sincere, but she was still afraid to tell him that seeing Danny in that state made her feel...upset...in a way that she couldn't explain...


The door to the lake house flew open and Rhys entered first. Danny limped inside with his arm slung around Nate who was guiding him inside. Danny groaned as his body ached with each step.

"Almost there, Danny." Nate said quietly before he eased him onto the couch. Danny winced as he sat down before resting his head on the back of the couch.

"Get me a jug of water from the kitchen pantry." Nerissa ordered as she took off her bloody jacket and threw it on the ground. Rhys ran into the kitchen and returned a moment later with a gallon of water. He opened the seal before backing away, watching the situation closely. Everyone was watching closely. Nerissa took a deep breath before she motioned her hands in a small circle and pulled the water out of the jug. It formed into a ball in front of her before it started to glow a bright blue, along with her eyes. She moved the ball of water into Danny's chest and he sighed deeply as his wounds closed and the bruising faded. When all his wounds were healed, he reached up with his hand and tore off the gauze pads across his chest. He leaned his head against the back of the couch and took a deep breath.

"Danny?" His head moved towards the voice and his eyes opened lazily. It was Soul, the first time she spoke since they escaped the estate. "What'd he do to you?" She asked quietly. Danny inhaled sharply but quietly, he closed his eyes and shook his head slowly as his face scrunched in subtle despair.

"Guys, let him sleep." Rhys said to the group. "I think we could all use some sleep actually." Rhys reached up and scratched his head before he looked at his hand, which had some of Danny's blood on it from treating him. He sighed softly before he wordlessly went upstairs to wash his hands.

"You guys go, I'm gunna stay here and make sure he's okay." Nerissa added quietly.

"Yeah, and what about you? You're swaying from the blood loss." Nate said to her as he crossed his arms.

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