"Yeah. We're both intelligent, we're both determined fighters, we're both... reasonably attractive." Danny smirked faintly as he glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "...and we were both scarred by the same person." Danny took another drag.

Soul looked at him with surprise, "How the hell did you know about that?"

"I'm a very perceptive person, Soul. Your hair doesn't cover it as much as you think it does." Danny spoke softly as he held out his half finished cigarette, seeing if Soul wanted the rest. She wordlessly took it and took a drag.

"He's my brother...and he tried to kill me. I have a sick feeling that my father might be plotting too." Soul leaned forward and looked down.

"What makes you say that?" Danny leaned forward so he could look into her eyes.

"He's not exactly the most "forgive and forget" kind of guy." After Soul had answered Danny, the front door swung open and Nate and Rhys stepped outside.

"There you are. Rhys and I talked and we both agree, you gotta build up that muscle mass again. So you and I are gonna do some training." Nate said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Okay, sure." Danny said as he took the cigarette from Soul and took the final drag before he flicked it away from them.

"You losers have fun. I'm going inside." Soul said as she stood up and walked inside. She went up the stairs trying to go to her room but a door to her left opened and she was pulled inside. She saw Nyx and Nerissa standing there with excitement.

"What is it?" Soul asked as she looked between the two. Nyx and Nerissa looked at each other before looking back at Soul with smiles plastered on their faces.

"Nate kissed me." Nyx blurted out as Nerissa squealed shortly.

"Oh, finally! That's great, Nyx. Does this mean you guys are a thing now?" Soul asked with a small smile on her face.

"Honestly, I don't know. He told me he had loved me for a long time and kissed me but he didn't actually ask me to be his girlfriend." Nyx scratched behind her ear.

"Well maybe, with everything that's going on, maybe he's just distracted?" Nerissa suggested hopefully.

Back outside, Nate stumbled backwards with a hand on his shoulder. "Nice hit, dude...no offense, but we know that you're skilled at hand to hand. We need to try and hone that ability you were talking about."

"The visions?" Danny lowered his hands and pulled his shirt off. It was getting hot outside. "I've only ever had two of them, and it was right before a lethal wound."

"Yeah...How the hell are we supposed to train that?" Nate relaxed his shoulders and rubbed his chin with his right hand.

"Well, I have an idea...but you might not like it." Danny rubbed the back of his head. Nate looked at him and raised an eyebrow.


"You want me to WHAT?" Nerissa shouted at Danny in the front yard after he explained his plan.

"I want you to just stand here, with this water, and just...watch. We're trying to hone my visions so I can react quickly enough to dodge a lethal wound. We're just here to test a few things, and we need you here in case an accident happens." Danny explained to Nerissa calmly.

"You mean if Nate accidentally STABS YOU. Danny, I don't like this." Nerissa held her arms in an uncomfortable posture. Danny placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I know, okay? But that's why I need you, I can't do this without you. Please." Danny's voice was gentle as he tried to convince her. She closed her eyes and sighed.

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