"I certainly don't feel very strong." Danny clenched his fists again, he had definitely noticed his lost muscle mass from his time bedridden. "I gotta work on that. The only reason I lived the first time is because of the guards and the sleeping gas. The only reason I lived the second time is because of you." Danny rolled his head across the wall to look at her again. "My first sign of gratitude was kind of half assed, but...thank you for saving my life. Really." Danny's tone softened and he even smiled at her.

Soul finally actually saw his eyes, more importantly, she saw the dark bags under his eyes and how pale his face looked.

"Danny, how long have you been awake?" Soul whispered.

"Doesn't matter." Danny responded in a whisper as he closed his eyes. Soul looked at him with a slightly somber look before Rhys poked his head through the window and made them both jump and gasp.

"Glad to see you two are getting along, finally." He said with a small smile. "Come on, it's time for our little group meeting."


"So, what the hell are we going to do?" Rhys said as he trotted back into the room where everyone was sitting on their mattresses, Nyx and Nerissa had just stirred awake and were rubbing their eyes.

"I think...we should focus on first things first. Food. Because I don't know about y'all, but I'm hungry." Nyx said in her sleepy voice as she rubbed her eyes more.

"Right, how are we gunna sustain ourselves?" Nerissa added.

"Steal it, obviously." Danny piped up with his arms crossed.

"Danny, what?" Nerissa said in disbelief.

"Think about it, Nerissa. We're still all in bright orange jumpsuits. We can't exactly walk into a store and buy food, because we also don't have any money." Danny spoke with an even tone. Nerissa looked at him with slight disbelief on her face.

"Nerissa listen, you won't have to do anything, Danny, Jack and I will go and get clothes for all of us so we can actually walk in the daylight." Soul chimed in next.

"Why you guys?" Drake asked as he turned to them.

"We've all been there the longest, the world has basically forgotten we existed. It would be the safest for all of us if you guys stay hidden." Danny looked at Drake with a hard gaze. Nate turned his head over to the group after being quiet for a while.

"It's the safest way, guys. If we want to even stand a chance, we need clothes that don't scream prisoner and we need food." Nate said quietly as he leaned forward with his hands interlocked in his lap. Nerissa and Nyx looked at him.

"Alright fine." Nerissa forced out. "But I'm not gunna be happy about it."

"And that's why you're not going." Danny added back with a flat tone as he pushed up his glasses.

"Alright, Danny, Soul, let's go before the stores start to open." Jack said as he swiped his hand towards the staircase to the first floor.

"Well, while that's happening..." Rhys said as he sat down on the ground in front of Nyx and Nate. "I want to hear the complete, unabridged story of how you guys ended up in that place." Rhys finished as he planted his chin in his hands. Nerissa scooted closer to them and did the same thing. Nyx chuckled slightly while Nate pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Are we parents now?" Nate whispered as he turned his head towards Nyx, who discreetly snickered and tried to cover her mouth to hide it. Nyx led the explanation of everything that had her and Nate had been through. From the moment of fate outside the school, to the horrible turn of events at Zachariah's mansion. All while a few of their friends were making their own decisions of questionable morals.

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