Nate held the note for a while, staring at the words blankly. They have a chance to get out? Where would they even go? How would they sustain themselves? They'll become most wanted the moment they set foot out of the wall. Honestly though, Nate thought it was worth it. Danny was... extremely lucky, how long before someone else isn't so lucky? How long before someone he cared about was killed in that horrid arena? He didn't want to wait around to find out, he wanted him and his friends to be out of this place and he would do just about anything to achieve that. He got up from his desk and glanced out of the window, it was dusk now and curfew would be in effect. He didn't care though, he needed to tell Danny, if Damien's family is really as crazy as Soul said then Danny could be in danger. Again. It seemed like Damien had a real grudge against him.

He creeped through the empty hallways towards the infirmary. He clung to the shadows when he heard any type of movement. After making it to the door, he slowly turned the doorknob to make as little noise as possible. He cracked the door and peered inside, he didn't see anyone of authority so he let himself in.

"You know the curfew is in effect, right young man?" Nate whipped his head to the voice to see the kind nurse standing there holding a tray of various medical supplies.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I just-"

"Don't worry about it, dear." The nurse said before she turned around. "I saw nothing." She said kindly before walking back into the back room. Nate smiled slightly before walking over to Danny's bed, where he was sleeping soundly. Nate felt bad about waking him but this was a matter that couldn't wait.

"Danny, wake up." Nate whispered as he placed a hand on Danny's shoulder and shook him gently. Danny stirred slightly before he woke up with a sudden jolt.

"Oh, Nate. What are you doing here?" He whispered back as his breathing calmed. Nate's chest hurt as he realized that he probably woke Danny from a nightmare.

"Sorry to wake you up, but I have something to tell you and it's really important." Nate said as he sat down on the bed next to Danny. He sat up in a more comfortable position for talking and winced a bit as he did so. It was clear he was still in pain from the incident.

"Okay, what is it?" Danny responded quietly as he grabbed his glasses from Nate, who had handed them to him from his bedside table.

"I just got a letter from Nyx, apparently her friend, Soul, is worried that Damien's family is going to try and break him out of here in some grand attack. She also said that she made arrangements to use this to our advantage and escape in the confusion. We can actually get out, Danny." Nate sounded relieved to hear himself say that.

Danny was quiet for a moment, he took his glasses off and breathed on them before cleaning the lenses with his soft blanket. "What if they attack while I'm still bedridden? What then?" He asked quietly while looking at his interlocked hands placed in his lap.

Nate stuttered for a moment, "I'm not leaving you behind, Danny. If that's what you're implying, we will come get you." Nate didn't take his eyes off his friend, even though Danny wasn't looking at him.

"Nate, Damien may have missed all my vital organs, but he still shattered my pelvis. I can't walk until it heals." Danny looked at him from the corner of his eye.

"We'll carry you then. We are not. Leaving you. Behind." Nate replied firmly.

Danny sighed, "I guess I won't argue. I get the sense it wouldn't make a difference." Danny said before he looked away again.

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