Missing... Part 4/Final [HC/YHS] (Angst|Hurt/comfort) {Scarian}

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Welp. Finally the ending?


Mention of S@m

Mention of broken bones

Mention of injuries

Uhhhhhh.... I think that's it? This chapter is supposed to be more happy, so I think less trigger warnings is good.


Static buzzed. Static.... Doesn't this seem familiar? Just static... No, not just static. Sirens.... Police and ambulance sirens... Click. Click.

"And now reporting on the newest news! Two boys, Taurtis Oguni and Grian, who have been missing for two and a half months have been found, along with Scar Goodtime, who went missing three days ago. They are being rushed to the hospital, them sustaining a host of horrible, potentially life threatening injuries. Their captor, Samuel England Gladiator, has not been captured, and is now on the run from police. If you see this bunny hybrid, please contact police immediately. Now, back to-"

The news ran its normal broadcast in the background, as the door flung open.

"Cub-!" Xisuma was the first to notice him, and speak.

"Hospital. Now."

Beeping... Why was there so much beeping...? Since when did his hands feel so light..? Since when did he feel something soft beneath him... Where were his feathers..?

Everything hurt.

Was there talking...? Or just more beeping...?

"He's awake, I believe..."

Did he know that voice..? No. No, it was unfamiliar... An unfamiliar voice.... Was- was he out...?

He managed to open his heavy eyelids... It was bright. The ceiling above him was white. Soon, in the corner of his vision, he could see the edge of something...

"Grian. Are you able to speak?"

Slowly, the avian blinked, trying to focus on what he now guessed was a person beside him. Speak..? He opened his mouth, the words that came out with a horse, pained tone to them.

"W-where...? Am..."

"Where are you? Is that what you were trying to ask?"

Grian only managed to hum out a short confirmation.

"You are at the hospital. You have been out for a bit longer than the other two."


"Yes, others. Taurtis Oguni and Scar Goodtime. They are both still in this hospital, in this same room actually."

"...are.... Th-they... okay..?"

"They are... going to live. But I cannot lie about 'okay-ness'. You all suffered severe injuries that could affect you for life. There is almost guarantee of scarring."

Grian closed his eyes. Focusing on his body. There was a lot of pain... Especially his wrists...

Recovery wasn't easy. It was a while before they could see any visitors... But Grian got to see Scar soon- on the third day of him being awake again.

Grian's eyes filled with tears, staring at his friend. "Scar...."

The emerald eyed boy chuckled weakly, glancing at the blonde. "It's fine now... I promise. I suffered nothing compared to you. Hospitals are normal for me..."

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