A What!? [Empires S1] (Drabble/Fluff) {Jornoth}

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Uncorupted Xornoth! Also, non-binary Xornoth, he/they/it pronouns. Also, small headcannon of mine; Xornoth rambles constantly when with people he trusts.

Now, on to some cute gay fluff!


"You wanted to talk..?" The parrot boy questioned, a slight raise of an eyebrow. He shivered, arms around himself to try to warm up. With such a relieving outfit that was designed for the warm jungle, Joey could not handle the freezing temperatures of Rivendell. "My apologies if I made it sound like something bad..." Xornoth brought a hand to the back of his head, "It's just... Y'know what, let's head inside first. I don't want you getting frostbite."

Xornoth took the Lost empire emperor's hands within its own, quickly bringing the smaller boy into the palace. "Xornoth, what did you do this time!?" The loud, annoyed shout of Scott called out, echoing through the entrance hall.

"Nothing, nothing. I just brought.. Uh... A friend... I brought Joey!" Xornoth rarely had a hard time forming sentences, so Joey was a bit worried. With a smirk, the teal haired boy nodded, "I'll leave you to it, brother. Good luck." "Oh shut it!" Xornoth scoffed, turning back to Joey once Scott left.

"Are you more comfortable with the warmth in the palace?" Xornoth asked. "Mhm! It's very nice in here. Thank you for letting me come in." Joey smiled. "Of course. I wouldn't have let you stay out in the cold, wearing that." Xornoth mentioned, looking Joey up and down, a soft pink spreading over his cheeks, before adding, "Not that you look bad at all, you look amazing, just that it's not good for cool weather!"

A light blush crept its way onto the smaller boy's face, "Th-thank you for the compliment... So, well, what was it that you needed to talk to me about?" "Oh- Right that!" The elf fiddled with their hair for a minute, opening his mouth to speak multiple times before just closing it again.

"I-" Xornoth finally spoke, "I've been kinda nervous to do this, since you are one of my only two friends, so I didn't want to lose you..." "You'll never lose me as a friend, don't worry about that!" Joey smiled softly, hoping that it helped Xornoth at least a bit. "You say that- that but, I just can't help to think that you- you'll hate me, or something," Xornoth started rambling, "It's not something horrible, or anything bad- but I just help but wor-"

"Xornoth!" Joey's hands reached to it's, "You will not lose me. Tell me already, you know I'm impatient."

Xornoth let out a soft chuckle, "I- I like you- I- Will you go on a date with me..? Don't feel like you have to, I only want you to say yes if you actually want to- You probably won't, but-"

Xornoth's gay, panicked rambling was cut off with a kiss to his lips, the parrot in front of him leaning up, hand softly on the back of the elf's neck. They pulled away, Joey's face flushing red in an instant, "Gah- I'm sorry I should have asked first!"

"N-no, it's fine..." Xornoth mumbled, before asking, "So is that a yes to the date..?" "Of course!" Joey flung his arms around Xornoth's neck. They looked deep into each other's eyes, before Xornoth quietly mumbled, "Can I kiss you..?"

Without a verbal answer, Joey leaned up, Xornoth leaning down slightly, their lips connecting.

"A what!?" Sausage raised an eyebrow to the avian. "A date, are you that surprised?" Joey questioned. "W-well, mainly that I thought both of you would never have the courage to say anything..." Sausage muttered, to the dismay of Joey. "Well, he did ask me out, and I am very happy! Gay, even." Joey smiled.

"When you say gay, are you talking about happy, or queer..?" Sausage asked. "Both."

(610 words)

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