Material Gworl [HC 8] (Fluff) {Iskall & Etho}

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Modarn AU! Normally when it's modarn AU, I don't put a season number down, but it's most based off of season 8.

Etho and his shopping addiction...

And Iskall who enables it...


"Iskall! I wanna go shopping..." Etho complained, leaning back onto his friend.

"Fine. Want me to come with you, or...?"

"You can come with! I just... Need a bit of money..?"

The enby let out a long sigh, a small smile on their face. They stood, accompanied by Etho.

"Iskall- Iskall!" Etho excitedly pointed to a near store with a large sign, "Iskall, they have a sale on shulker boxes!"

"You are such a hoarder..."

"No I am not! I'm just taking advantage of the sales." The silver haired boy tugged on Iskall's sleeve, pulling them along.

Etho smiled from under his mask as he shifted through the racks. "Iskall!" Etho called, getting no response. The boy frowned, turning to see no mechanical eyed non-binary. With a grumpy stomp, the silver haired one went to find his friend.

Soon, Etho spotted Iskall. It looked it was just Iskall, standing by themself. So, because of this, Etho ran full speed at the brunette to tackle them in a hug -as any friend would.

Iskall was almost knocked to the ground as Etho hugged onto the other. "Iskall! Where did you go!?"

"E-Etho- You scared me... I had-" Iskall was interrupted as another voice spoke.

"You men are so irresponsible!"

Etho glanced in front of the person he was still hug, seeing a woman who was previously blocked from view. "What problem do you have with me?"

"Not specifically you, your friend!"

"Well, you said 'you men' so I assumed you were talking about me." Etho told the woman, passive aggressively.

"He is a man!"

"No, they aren't." Etho rolled his eyes, before finally asking, "Just tell me what is wrong, so that we can get this settled."

"Your friend was in the women's section!" She screeched.

"Okay..?" Etho sighed, "I don't see the problem here. We can buy from wherever in this store we want."

"He had grabbed a skirt!"

"They." Etho corrected, before glancing to Iskall, "We should get matching skirts."

Before Iskall could respond, the woman screeched again, "Men don't wear skirts!"

"Okay? I guess I'm a material girl now." Etho chuckled, adding, "And they aren't a man. Sooooo... Your point is stupid."

She soon ran off in a homophobic, transphobic rage.

Etho let out a long, dramatic sigh, "I guess I have to resign my ways as a male identifying person. I'm now officially a material gworl."

Iskall burst out in laughter, "Let's get those matching skirts!"

"Yes!" Etho raised his arms in excitement, before grabbing Iskall's sleeve, pulling them along.

"That was a good haul. And I got to use my great logic against that woman." Etho trotted along next to Iskall happily.

Iskall was very tired, carrying multiple bags, "You do live up to your material girl status..."

"I know."

(435 words)

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