New Parts [HC 7](Angst){Bdoc}

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EYYYYY, two angsty oneshots in a row. Well, the other one was angsty hurt/comfort but still.

This is one set in an AU, which could simply be called the "Permadeath Glitch AU"

It is what it says, there is a glitch that causes hermitcraft to be permadeath.

I'll probably write a full story for this AU, but this is a little Bdoc snippet. And, cyborg Bdubs? When I write a full story of this AU, I will probably call the book "The Void Decides Your Fate" or something like that.


Character death


Mechanical prostetics (Idk if I really need this as a tw, but I'll still mention it)


"Promise you'll be safe..."

"Of course! You don't have to worry 'bout me! Don't underestimate my power!"

"I'm not underestimating you... I'm just scared... Iskall even got-"

"Doc. Love, I will be fine."

Quick breathing. Fast steps. The hybrid tracked the steps he knew Bdubs had taken. Moonlight shone down into a clearing.

Bdubs had not come home that night.

His fears were right, he might not see-

And there the boy was.

A large gash was across the brunette's eyes and lower right face. His mouth was agape, eyes white and blind.

His left shoulder was dislocated and bloody.

His right hand had most of the fingers torn off.

Huge scrapes covered the boy's legs.

"No... No- No... B-Bdubs...? DoubleO? BdoubleO!? Bdubs!?"

He still had a pulse.

There was still a chance.

"Stress- Stress please!"

"Oh my god- Head to Keralis right away."

"I already flew here, can't you do anything!?"

"I can deal with two critical status patients at one time! P-please... I need to make sure Iskall is stable- I can't lose them! Go to Keralis!"

"Oh- Oh god- Bubbles..."

"Do something- Keralis, please!"

"Bubbles... No... No, no, no..."

"Keralis do something! Help him!"

"Doc... Doc, he's dead."

Tools clicked. Welding could be heard. Tears fell onto the still motionless body.


He didn't sleep. He didn't go outside. Xisuma tried to convince him to take a break, but Doc couldn't. He couldn't let Bdubs go.

"Why isn't this working..."

"Doc, please, he's gone. We have to accept it..."

"I was called dead once- But see, I'm still here!" Sad laughter soon turned to sobs, "It saved me, why won't it save him..."


"Leave me alone, X!"


Everything felt different. Like he was lacking so much... He attempted to sit up, a pain shooting through his entire body. No- something was wrong...

Something was so wrong...

Vision was different. More pixel-y... Not human... Like a camera, sending images to his brain. But that wasn't possible, was it?

He was human, he had eyes!

That's how it always was...

The ceiling above him was stone. Not much else in view above him. He attempted to sit up again, pushing past the pain. Around him was a familiar place. A lab. One he had to pull another away from so many times...

A creeper hybrid was asleep on a chair next to him. Not a comfortable sleep- a forced one... He reached out towards the boy with his right hand. He stopped.

Metal... Mechanical fingers...

"GAH-" Bdubs jumped back at the sight of that. Mechanical fingers!? No- No, what had happened? He tried to move his left arm, finding it very difficult... He glanced to it, staring in horror...

A metal shoulder...

His right hand traveled up to his face...



He pushed himself quickly from the workbench, stabilizing himself on his wobbly -but still thankfully organic- legs. He noticed a full length mirror not far away. If he recalled correctly, Doc often used it to do repairs on himself.

And there he saw it. His chest and legs were covered in bandages, though still organic. His right hand had metal fingers, all except his ring finger were fully metal, his ring finger only above the top knuckle was metal. His left shoulder was metal, as he saw before. And his face... Oh god...

His eyes were gone... Both of them, unlike Doc who only had one mechanical eye. One glowed yellow, the other green. It looked both scary and adorable.

The freckled boy heard shifting behind him, noticing Doc waking up.


The creeper hybrid had turned to see the now awake boy. "H-hey... Doc, what happened to me...?"

Doc didn't respond right away, getting up and rushing to pull Bdubs into a tight hug. The brunette could feel tears against his skin, where Doc was leaning his head. "I- I thought I lost you... Y-you- You still are here... It worked..."

"Doc, what happened...?"

"I- I was so scared- I couldn't deal with losing you..."

"Doc!" Bdubs finally got the hybrid's attention, "What happened to me..?"

"I... I found you, and you were very damaged..." Doc started to retell that night, "There were horrible gashes all over you... I tried to take you to Stress, but she was too busy with Iskall... By the time I got you to Keralis... You had no pulse..."

"What- What!? I- I died?"

"Technically... Well- I wasn't ready to give up... I added mechanical parts, like what I have. I- I thought it wasn't going to work, but.... Here you are..."

"Doc, what has happened to hermitcraft...? Has anyone else..."

Doc gave a sad nod, "False..."

Bdubs buried his head into Doc's chest. If the builder could cry, he would... "W-why is this happening...?"

"I have no idea..."

"I- I don't know if I want to live in a world where everyone I love is going to die!" Bdubs turned away, "Y-you are going to die, and I won't be able to live with myself! I- I should be dead..."

"I should be dead too." Doc pointed out, "But see how far technology can get us... I know we can't outrun fate, but... but just maybe we can have enough time to say our goodbyes... Liebling..."

"D-Doc... I've loved all the time we've had together... I know it will end soon, but... But please know that I will always love you..."

"Ich liebe dich..."

(842 words)

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