Not a Boy, Just me [HC 7] (Fluff) {Iskall}

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Agender Iskall fluff! Woooo, pride month themed chapter! I don't care that I'm posting this in march, pride month themed things are still cool! I've had this chapter started for sooooooo long, but just wasn't sure how to continue it for the longest time. I've finally finished it!

You get some descriptions of desserts, soooo sorry if that makes you hungry

It has a bit of Scarian. Also, he/it Jevin because yes

(A/N): Accidently posted it before putting in the title... Oops

Anyways, Enjoy!


"But... why? You are a boy."

"I- I'm not! I'm agender! I don't have a gender!"

"Everyone has gender, you are just crazy."

"Non-binary, okay!? I'm just not a boy, not a girl!"

"You are a boy!"

Iskall glanced around the shopping district, a sigh passing from their lips. Their eyes traced around at the different shops. They sat on top of the barge, it being fairly central to the area, though if they really wanted to see all the shops, they would need to fly.

"Hey, Iskall!"

"AH-" Iskall had leaned back in shock, slipping. They slid down the glass, falling through the open ceiling of the barge, going all the way down to the first layer. They groaned in pain as their back hit the enderchest that lay in the sand.

"Oh my god, Iskall, are you alright mate?" Mumbo rushed over to his friend, "I'm so sorry for surprising you."

"It's fine..." Iskall hissed out, sitting up with help from their mustached friend. "Whatcha doing? Just buying stuff at the barge?" "Mhm. Gri's shop is popular for a reason." Mumbo nodded as he spoke. Iskall stood, a bit of pain in their back, but it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be.

"Oh, Iskall! Do you know what month it is?" Mumbo asked. Iskall thought about it, before saying, "June? Or are you talking about pride month?" "Pride month! Some of the other hermits planned a pride picnic. I believe everyone is going!" Mumbo smiled, "Just thought I should mention it in case you hadn't heard."

"I actually hadn't... Thanks for letting me know, dude!"

"Of course. I should get going, got some redstone to build." Iskall nodded as Mumbo took his leave.

A pride picnic. Iskall smiled, considering what they would need to bring. Some snacks, and their pride flags?

Iskall arrived at the planned place, a large forest clearly. There were lots of decorations up. Lots of different pride flags. Iskall glanced down, really unsure of where to place their snacks. They also were feeling a bit insecure. Iskall had worn a skirt, since they really enjoy wearing them, and they made them feel less masculine. Despite being non-binary, Iskall had a beard, so most people assumed that they were male. They preferred others to question, instead of just assuming.

"Iskall!" Stress smiled, rushing over, "I'm so glad you could make it- Oh, you look good. Is that the skirt I gave you?" "Mhm! I thought it would be a good occasion to wear it." Iskall nodded. Stress had given Iskall a few more feminine and androgynous clothing pieces. They were very grateful, since they were terrible at picking out clothes themself.

"Also, where do I put the snacks?"

"Ooh, whatcha bring?" Iskall let her glance in the shulker box, "Those look amazing! You can just place them on the table over there. To the right so we know it's dessert."

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