Not Human, Still a Person [HC 7] (Fluff?Hurt/Comfort?) {Multi Ship}

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It's a slightly different AU than I normally do. Idk how to explain it other than this: It's the type of thing where there is a hub world, that has access to a lot of public servers. There is one large world that is basically a giant shopping district. That's what they visit in this oneshot! Hope that makes sense!

Ships included: 

Bdoc (Bdubs x Doc)

Slight Team Zit (Zedaph x Impulse x Tango)

Very slight, can be seen as platonic or romantic Scarian (Scar x Grian)


"Alright, like I've told you all in the past; don't run off! As much as you are all adults, you still need to be careful!" Xisuma mentioned, "Make sure you are with Me, Iskall, Stress, Cleo, or Joe!"

"Who we sticking with?" Bdubs glanced at the tall hybrid next to him. "Cleo, or X?" "Sure!"

Xisuma ushered the hermits to the portal, the large group of them entering. They watched through the hub world, following close behind the admin. For most of them, it was an unknown place. To others it was very familiar.

They soon stepped out into the loud, bright overworld. Busting shops were all that were seen. "Now, meet back in a few hours, keep your communicators on you, don't spend all your money." Xisuma told everyone.

They were allowed to head off in groups. Well, they were allowed, but everyone wanted to head to a building and redstone shop that had popped up. They all joined for now, heading into the large building.

Doc glanced over some of the more expensive, speciality redstone items. He smirked, considering what to get. He did have a fair bit of money.

"Goodness, people need to keep their pets contained! Eck- where is your owner!? Why aren't you on a leash!?"

Doc thought he had no need to pay attention to the screeching woman, but he was sorely mistaken. He felt a harsh hit to the back of his head. Doc turned, seeing a blond haired, middle aged woman staring at him. "Excuse me, could you leave me? I'm trying to shop." Doc mentioned.

"Why aren't you contained!? People need to keep their dangerous animals on leashes! Where is your owner!?"


"Where is your owner!?"

"I'm a person?"

"You're one of those hybrids, you're not a person! You are a pet!"

Doc just stared, bewildered by this woman. It did hurt, but he didn't show it. That would be weak... Her screaming seemed to have alerted one of the other hermits. "Doc, everything good, mate?"

Doc was about to speak to his mustached friend, when the woman yelled again. "Are you its owner!? This thing needs to be put on a leash!"

"He's not a pet, he's my friend." Mumbo mentioned, "So could you leave him alone."

"Dangerous animals shouldn't be allowed to just roam!"

Mumbo walked over, glancing up at Doc. "Doc, we should just get going for now." "Yeah." Doc began walking, leading the way of the two hermits. She seemed to continue to yell, something about them being disrespectful.

"Are you alright, Doc?"

"I'm fine." Doc glanced away. He was definitely hurt by it. It wasn't the first time he had to deal with things like these, but it didn't change how much it hurt. Mumbo glanced to his friend, but decided to not say anything. The two found themselves soon in a group of other hermits. Doc didn't mention anything, so Mumbo didn't either.

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