Mom Wouldn't Aprove Part 2 [Limited Life](Fluff|Hurt/Comfort?){DesertDuo}

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Was kinda requested by strawberry_Sunday219

And don't worry, it's a happy ending :)

Anyways, enjoy!


"Huh... Is... Is that..." The wide eyed boy stared towards the yellow grassed biome. Hands flung to his mouth, turning on his heel, and running.

"Let's see..." The blonde squinted, spotting the cobblestone creation. He could just barely see the frogs from there. He was ready to go, placing on foot forward before stopping. He heard laughter?

He shifted himself behind a hill, peaking out.

He barely stopped himself from gasping loudly.

"Mom! Mom, I got something to tell you!!!"



Scar sighed making his way up entertainment mountain, entering the clocker's base. His smile faded as he saw a glare from Cleo. Bdubs stood next to her, with his arms crossed.

"Did... Did I do something wrong?" Scar asked quietly, "I don't like that look."

"Who were you with?"

Scar hissed out a breath, deciding his course of action. Lie. Or tell the truth. "W-with someone? I was just wandering around..."

"Well, Bdubs told me-"

"You are cuddling with Grian!" Bdubs blurted out.

"Cuddling is such a loose term- I mean, I wasn't- Who's Grian?"

Cleo let out a long breath, "Scar. Be honest with me. Were you with Grian?"

Scar glanced to the ground, fiddling with his fingers, "I- Um... A-are you mad?"

"I... I'm not mad. I just want you to be honest."

"Y-yes, I was with Grian... I- I'm sorry." Scar let out a long sigh, "I know I shouldn't be with the enemy, but I- I really love him and I needed to see him! There is no alliance there, I promise..."

"You're dating Grian!?" Bdubs yelled.

The nosy neighbors definitely heard that.

"Scar." Scar and mom finally made eye contact, "As long as this doesn't affect the enemy-ship we have, this is fine."

"R-really? You're the best, mom!"

"Joel? I would have thought you would have tried to sleep by now." Grian glanced to the bad boy who was seated upon one of the chests. "That seating... that seating seems a bit wet." Grian gestured towards the water logged chests.

Joel let out a long sigh, "Grian, Jim said he spotted something. I can't believe him for sure- it's Jim after all- so I wanted to talk to you about this."

"You seem oddly serious... No- No joking manor, or bad boy puns?" Grian chuckled nervously to himself.

"Were you with someone?"

"Someone? I mean, I sometimes talk with people-"

"Cuddling. Brunette specifically."

"Brunette? I- Don't know any of those..." Grian played dumb, glancing his eyes away from the other bad boy.

"I'm a brunette, Grian! Tell me, were you with Scar!?"

Grian paused. What was he supposed to say? "Why do you assume it's Scar..?"

"Out of the brunettes on the server, who are you most likely to cuddle with?"


"Jim specifically mentioned that it was definitely not BigB. Plus, I would say his hair is closer to black."

Grian sighed. Was this the time he was going to get kicked out of the bad boys..? "Yes, I was with Scar... I- I'm sorry..."

Joel chuckled, hopping up and wandering over to the other bad boy, "You are such a bad boy!" Joel ruffled Grian's hair, "Be honest with us! We need to be able to trust each other. And tell me, are you betraying us, or are you just being really gay?"

A pink spread over Grian's face, "W-what's that supposed to mean! I'm not betraying you- I just- ughhhh... Fine, yes, I'm being really gay."

"Misunderstanding solved. Just make sure it doesn't interfere with deals, and battles." Joel mentioned, getting a nod from Grian, "I'm going to go explain this to Jim. I think he got a bit upset, thinking you were going to abandon us."

"I would never dream of it."

(585 words)

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