Oblivous, Much? [HC 7] (Drabble) {Scarian}

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Very short, but I hope you still enjoy. Mainly just Mumbo being a spoon.

And Grian being gay.


Mumbo and Grian sat off to the side a bit, watching all the chaotic antics of the other hermits. Grian swung his legs peacefully, Mumbo fiddling with something in his hands. Grian's leg swings slowed, Mumbo glancing over to his friend.

"Something wrong?"

"It's not fair." Grian stated, puffing out his slightly pink cheeks.

"What's not fair?"

"It's not fair how handsome, and pretty Scar is!"

"Grian, you are just a pretty, you don't need to be jealous."

Grian blinked a few times, looking to his mustached friend, just staring in disbelief. "What..?" Mumbo questioned nervously.

"Mumbo. I'm not being jealous. I'm being gay."


Grian giggled, it turning into pure laughter soon. "Oh shush! H-how was I supposed to know what you mean!?" Mumbo's face was a bit pink from embarrassment. Well, of course it was, Grian was laughing at him.

"Goodness-" Grian attempted slowly his laughter, "That's- haha- that's really funny... You are so oblivious sometimes."

"Shush. Go back to admiring your crush or whatever."

Grian pushed Mumbo playfully, the taller pushing back. Grian laughed. That was before falling off the short ledge the two of them were sitting on. Mumbo was now the one laughing.

(186 words)

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