Dead Poppies [Empires S2/3rd Life] (Drabble|Hurt) {Flowerhusbands}

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When the titles say 'hurt' it just means it is hurt/comfort without the comfort.

Also, this is a completely different style to my normal writing, so yeah. Don't expect it to be clear cut in any way, it's meant to be a bit confusing.

Anyways, enjoy!


I loved a boy once.


Okay, okay, I love a boy.

Who do you love so dearly?

That really doesn't matter.

Does he love you?

He did. I don't think he does now...

Describe him to me.

Alright- alright... Well, he is gorgeous, drop dead gorgeous.

I need more than that.

He is extremely petty, but he seems so hot when getting revenge. He has the softest teal, cyan hair. His smile is so warm, but also can be cruel at times. He got overprotective of me sometimes, and I got overprotective over him. He teases me constantly, and it is so hot...

You really do love him.

I do, I really do. I- I just wish he would love me back...

Why doesn't he?

He doesn't remember me. Doesn't remember one bit... It hurts really, seeing how he still teases me, not knowing how I feel.

What if he did love you? What would you do then?

He- he doesn't. B-but, if he did..? I would care for him like I did then.

You would leave him?

I didn't leave of my own accord! I was shot dead!

If he remembered, how would he view it?

I... I don't know.

Do you want to know my opinion on this?


I think he still loves you, even if he doesn't remember.

I didn't even say who-!

The shot dead comment was all I needed. I was there. Remember Timmy? I remember all of it.

So!? Who are you suggesting it is!?

Scott. It's obvious.

He doesn't love me.

I won't be so sure if I were you.

Like you know everything-

Don't be sassy with me.

Whatever... You are just trying to get my hopes up.

(256 words)

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